Next Generation of pyClowder

Build: #1 failed First build for this plan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 rootdir: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC246-JOB1, inifile: setup.cfg
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 plugins: pep8-1.0.6
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 collected 12 items
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ F
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 pyclowder/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 sample-extractors/echo/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 sample-extractors/wordcount/ .
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 generated xml file: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC246-JOB1/test-reports/results.xml
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 =================================== FAILURES ===================================
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 __________________________________ PEP8-check __________________________________
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC246-JOB1/pyclowder/ E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40                                                   parent_coll_id, space_id)
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40                                                   ^
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40
02-Aug-2017 09:14:40 ===================== 1 failed, 11 passed in 0.25 seconds ======================