Build: #1 was successful First build for this plan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 ---> 48dbf6836e56
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Removing intermediate container 987731b9d7df
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Step 3/7 : ENV RABBITMQ_URI "" RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE "clowder" RABBITMQ_QUEUE "ncsa.wordcount" REGISTRATION_ENDPOINTS "" MAIN_SCRIPT ""
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 ---> Running in f8cf3a97a2b5
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 ---> 0e955eb22808
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Removing intermediate container f8cf3a97a2b5
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Step 4/7 : USER clowder
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 ---> Running in 9201bfa2bf30
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 ---> 51f3b80bb7cc
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Removing intermediate container 9201bfa2bf30
16-Aug-2017 11:22:26 Step 5/7 : COPY *.py extractor_info.json /home/clowder/
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 ---> aa006076a297
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Removing intermediate container e3316e5cda67
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Step 6/7 : ENTRYPOINT /home/clowder/
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 ---> Running in 5e07609b48f9
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 ---> 7c14933eaeeb
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Removing intermediate container 5e07609b48f9
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Step 7/7 : CMD extractor
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 ---> Running in 049127f2bc97
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 ---> 3c232ce5b6de
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Removing intermediate container 049127f2bc97
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Successfully built 3c232ce5b6de
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Untagged: 6186:latest
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Untagged: clowder/pyclowder:latest
16-Aug-2017 11:22:27 Untagged: clowder/extractors-wordcount:latest