Build: #1 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 318 lines of output. Download or view full build log.

29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Build Clowder - pyclowder - hotfix-extractor-info.json - Default Job #1 (CATS-PYC25-JOB1-1) started building on agent
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Remote agent on host
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC25-JOB1
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Executing build Clowder - pyclowder - hotfix-extractor-info.json - Default Job #1 (CATS-PYC25-JOB1-1)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC25-JOB1
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Updating source code to revision: a0d31eb90c697074ff18114afd716d726970cd57
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC25-JOB1/.git'.
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC25-JOB1/.git/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Fetching 'refs/heads/hotfix/extractor-info.json' from 'ssh://'. Will try to do a shallow fetch.
29-Sep-2019 15:30:36 Warning: Permanently added '[]:39245' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 From ssh://
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 * [new branch]      hotfix/extractor-info.json -> hotfix/extractor-info.json
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Checking out revision a0d31eb90c697074ff18114afd716d726970cd57.
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Switched to branch 'hotfix/extractor-info.json'
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Updated source code to revision: a0d31eb90c697074ff18114afd716d726970cd57
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Starting task 'docker build and push' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - pyclowder - hotfix-extractor-info.json - Default Job #1 (CATS-PYC25-JOB1-1)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-PYC25-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_shortJobName=Default Job
bamboo_planName=Clowder - pyclowder - hotfix-extractor-info.json
bamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - pyclowder - hotfix-extractor-info.json - Default Job
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Sending build context to Docker daemon  266.8kB
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 1/10 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> 657d80a6401d
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 2/10 : ARG PYTHON_VERSION="2.7"
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> 7d071fce2822
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 3/10 : ENV PYTHON_VERSION=${PYTHON_VERSION}     RABBITMQ_URI="amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672/%2F"     RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE="clowder"     RABBITMQ_QUEUE=""     REGISTRATION_ENDPOINTS=""     EMAIL_SERVER=""     EMAIL_SENDER="extractor"     MAIN_SCRIPT=""
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> 6d4fba816a1e
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 4/10 : RUN apt-get -q -q update     && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python${PYTHON_VERSION} curl     && if [ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]; then ln -s /usr/bin/python${PYTHON_VERSION} /usr/bin/python; fi     && curl -k -o /tmp/     && python /tmp/     && pip install --upgrade setuptools     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> 120aa51655ff
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 5/10 : COPY pyclowder /tmp/pyclowder/pyclowder
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 ---> 870b6b727907
29-Sep-2019 15:30:37 Step 6/10 : COPY description.rst /tmp/pyclowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:38 ---> be3d535e8434
29-Sep-2019 15:30:38 Step 7/10 : RUN pip install --upgrade /tmp/pyclowder     && rm -rf /tmp/pyclowder
29-Sep-2019 15:30:38 ---> Running in 651e1f8371b4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:41 DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42 Processing /tmp/pyclowder
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42 Collecting enum34==1.1.6 (from pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42   Downloading
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42 Collecting pika==1.0.0 (from pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42   Downloading (148kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42 Collecting PyYAML==5.1 (from pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42   Downloading (274kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:42 Collecting requests==2.21.0 (from pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Downloading (57kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests==2.21.0->pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Downloading (154kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 (from requests==2.21.0->pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Downloading (133kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 (from requests==2.21.0->pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Downloading (58kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Collecting urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 (from requests==2.21.0->pyclowder==2.2.0)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Downloading (118kB)
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Building wheels for collected packages: pyclowder, PyYAML
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Building wheel for pyclowder ( started
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Building wheel for pyclowder ( finished with status 'done'
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Created wheel for pyclowder: filename=pyclowder-2.2.0-cp27-none-any.whl size=31349 sha256=fd2729966872904f39a55ed8497e5cc3fb20a507f45e00dd6c14dd912f72c5d6
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-AmCes_/wheels/aa/74/36/92a180b9736e758626878aa42c37afe9bc77b688e080a6a1fe
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Building wheel for PyYAML ( started
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Building wheel for PyYAML ( finished with status 'done'
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Created wheel for PyYAML: filename=PyYAML-5.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl size=44881 sha256=25372bdfd00e93deb5f1eedcc4dad884831428a994e769e485a4cbd748eab138
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43   Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/ad/56/bc/1522f864feb2a358ea6f1a92b4798d69ac783a28e80567a18b
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Successfully built pyclowder PyYAML
29-Sep-2019 15:30:43 Installing collected packages: enum34, pika, PyYAML, certifi, chardet, idna, urllib3, requests, pyclowder
29-Sep-2019 15:30:44 Successfully installed PyYAML-5.1 certifi-2019.9.11 chardet-3.0.4 enum34-1.1.6 idna-2.8 pika-1.0.0 pyclowder-2.2.0 requests-2.21.0 urllib3-1.24.3
29-Sep-2019 15:30:45 Removing intermediate container 651e1f8371b4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:45 ---> d4d64f262fe3
29-Sep-2019 15:30:45 Step 8/10 : WORKDIR /home/clowder
29-Sep-2019 15:30:45 ---> Running in 09ebab18dfe3
29-Sep-2019 15:30:46 Removing intermediate container 09ebab18dfe3
29-Sep-2019 15:30:46 ---> 802f0fe911eb
29-Sep-2019 15:30:46 Step 9/10 : COPY notifications.json /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:46 ---> 0cb79af204d2
29-Sep-2019 15:30:46 Step 10/10 : CMD python "./${MAIN_SCRIPT}"
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 ---> Running in a73be5fca046
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Removing intermediate container a73be5fca046
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 ---> cae2dfca49c4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Successfully built cae2dfca49c4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Successfully tagged clowder/pyclowder:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Sending build context to Docker daemon  264.7kB
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Step 1/7 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Step 2/7 : FROM clowder/pyclowder${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 ---> cae2dfca49c4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 Step 3/7 : ONBUILD COPY packages.* Dockerfile /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:47 ---> Running in 899ca467a333
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 Removing intermediate container 899ca467a333
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 ---> 864ed9310a99
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 Step 4/7 : ONBUILD RUN if [ -e packages.apt ]; then                 apt-get -q -q update                 && xargs apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends < packages.apt                 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;             fi
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 ---> Running in b99856e745e5
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 Removing intermediate container b99856e745e5
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 ---> ecfabdd25deb
29-Sep-2019 15:30:48 Step 5/7 : ONBUILD COPY requirements.txt* Dockerfile /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 ---> Running in 9dfb8f10426d
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 Removing intermediate container 9dfb8f10426d
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 ---> e4b1f93549ef
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 Step 6/7 : ONBUILD RUN if [ -e requirements.txt ]; then                 pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt;             fi
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 ---> Running in f1f5ec00cc61
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 Removing intermediate container f1f5ec00cc61
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 ---> 7ed38af3c3fc
29-Sep-2019 15:30:49 Step 7/7 : ONBUILD ADD . /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:50 ---> Running in 2e81a1498ad1
29-Sep-2019 15:30:50 Removing intermediate container 2e81a1498ad1
29-Sep-2019 15:30:50 ---> 723869ee102e
29-Sep-2019 15:30:50 Successfully built 723869ee102e
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 Successfully tagged clowder/pyclowder:onbuild
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 Sending build context to Docker daemon   12.8kB
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 Step 1/6 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 Step 2/6 : FROM clowder/pyclowder${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:onbuild
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 # Executing 5 build triggers
29-Sep-2019 15:30:51 ---> Running in ba268a6fae0a
29-Sep-2019 15:30:53 Removing intermediate container ba268a6fae0a
29-Sep-2019 15:30:54 ---> Running in 9f94439c87b8
29-Sep-2019 15:30:56 Removing intermediate container 9f94439c87b8
29-Sep-2019 15:30:56 ---> c578e40743a1
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 ---> Running in 4327426c6c58
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 Removing intermediate container 4327426c6c58
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 ---> a7adc7282619
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 Step 4/6 : ONBUILD COPY packages.* Dockerfile /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 ---> Running in 15bb3abe2ac2
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 Removing intermediate container 15bb3abe2ac2
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 ---> e85bac8f4d8d
29-Sep-2019 15:30:57 Step 5/6 : ONBUILD RUN if [ -e packages.apt ]; then                 apt-get -q -q update                 && xargs apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends < packages.apt                 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;             fi
29-Sep-2019 15:30:58 ---> Running in 09ab50fd9840
29-Sep-2019 15:30:58 Removing intermediate container 09ab50fd9840
29-Sep-2019 15:30:58 ---> ac280d4075db
29-Sep-2019 15:30:58 Step 6/6 : ONBUILD COPY extractor_info.json /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:30:58 ---> Running in ef706dc63e6e
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Removing intermediate container ef706dc63e6e
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 ---> abb3c499a93f
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Successfully built abb3c499a93f
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.656kB
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Step 1/11 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Step 2/11 : FROM clowder/pyclowder${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 ---> cae2dfca49c4
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 Step 3/11 : ENV EXTRACTION_FUNC=""
29-Sep-2019 15:30:59 ---> Running in f36267e5a305
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 Removing intermediate container f36267e5a305
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 ---> 7c92184e5789
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 Step 4/11 : ENV EXTRACTION_MODULE=""
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 ---> Running in d83f599608e3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 Removing intermediate container d83f599608e3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 ---> d25e6249ec32
29-Sep-2019 15:31:00 Step 5/11 : COPY .
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 ---> 6eaa137102ff
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 Step 6/11 : ONBUILD COPY packages.* Dockerfile /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 ---> Running in 5dd65c9bc3d7
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 Removing intermediate container 5dd65c9bc3d7
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 ---> cdfdaab1f2eb
29-Sep-2019 15:31:01 Step 7/11 : ONBUILD RUN if [ -e packages.apt ]; then                 apt-get -q -q update                 && xargs apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends < packages.apt                 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;             fi
29-Sep-2019 15:31:02 ---> Running in b8d97062678d
29-Sep-2019 15:31:02 Removing intermediate container b8d97062678d
29-Sep-2019 15:31:02 ---> 7938512b8d0c
29-Sep-2019 15:31:02 Step 8/11 : ONBUILD COPY requirements.txt* Dockerfile /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:31:02 ---> Running in 994d1a98fe0c
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 Removing intermediate container 994d1a98fe0c
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 ---> 32cef46fde19
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 Step 9/11 : ONBUILD RUN if [ -e requirements.txt ]; then                 pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt;             fi
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 ---> Running in 256742289e1a
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 Removing intermediate container 256742289e1a
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 ---> 14894c7bc7b1
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 Step 10/11 : ONBUILD ADD . /home/clowder/
29-Sep-2019 15:31:03 ---> Running in 536bd0490891
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Removing intermediate container 536bd0490891
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 ---> 1d13e4d412d0
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Step 11/11 : CMD python -c "from simple_extractor import SimplePythonExtractor; from ${EXTRACTION_MODULE} import *; SimplePythonExtractor(${EXTRACTION_FUNC}).start()"
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 ---> Running in 56bc2ff71eb9
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Removing intermediate container 56bc2ff71eb9
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 ---> a176dc8a1e64
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Successfully built a176dc8a1e64
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-simple-extractor:onbuild
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Sending build context to Docker daemon  13.31kB
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Step 1/11 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Step 2/11 : FROM clowder/pyclowder${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:latest
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 ---> cae2dfca49c4
29-Sep-2019 15:31:04 Step 3/11 : ENV R_SCRIPT=""     R_FUNCTION=""
29-Sep-2019 15:31:05 ---> Running in 8715b630955f
29-Sep-2019 15:31:05 Removing intermediate container 8715b630955f
29-Sep-2019 15:31:05 ---> 50a5d8dcb18d
29-Sep-2019 15:31:05 Step 4/11 : RUN echo "deb xenial/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/R.list     && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E084DAB9     && apt-get -q -q update     && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends r-base-core r-base-dev     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*     && Rscript --vanilla -e "install.packages('jsonlite', repos=''); print(system.file(package = 'jsonlite')); q(status=as.integer(system.file(package = 'jsonlite') == ''))"
29-Sep-2019 15:31:05 ---> Running in 39724629a837
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 Executing: /tmp/tmp.a4MmFesFNS/ --keyserver
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 --recv
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 E084DAB9
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 gpg: requesting key E084DAB9 from hkp server
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 gpg: key E084DAB9: public key "Totally Legit Signing Key <>" imported
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 gpg: Total number processed: 1
29-Sep-2019 15:31:07 gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)
29-Sep-2019 15:31:15 W: GPG error: xenial/ InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 51716619E084DAB9
29-Sep-2019 15:31:15 W: The repository ' xenial/ InRelease' is not signed.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 Reading package lists...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 Building dependency tree...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 Reading state information...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 The following additional packages will be installed:
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   autoconf automake autotools-dev binutils bsdmainutils build-essential bzip2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   ca-certificates cdbs cpp cpp-5 debhelper dh-strip-nondeterminism
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   dh-translations dpkg-dev file fontconfig fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 gettext gettext-base gfortran gfortran-5 groff-base
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   icu-devtools intltool intltool-debian libarchive-zip-perl libasan2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libasprintf0v5 libatomic1 libblas-common libblas-dev libblas3 libbz2-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcairo2 libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libcroco3 libcurl3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libdatrie1 libdpkg-perl libencode-locale-perl libfile-listing-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libfile-stripnondeterminism-perl libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgcc-5-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libgdbm3 libgfortran-5-dev libgfortran3 libglib2.0-0 libgomp1 libgraphite2-3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libharfbuzz0b libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libhttp-cookies-perl libhttp-date-perl libhttp-message-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libhttp-negotiate-perl libice6 libicu-dev libicu55 libio-html-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libio-socket-ssl-perl libisl15 libitm1 libjbig0 libjpeg-dev libjpeg-turbo8
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libjpeg-turbo8-dev libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev liblapack3 liblsan0
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   liblwp-mediatypes-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl liblzma-dev libmagic1
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libmpc3 libmpfr4 libmpx0 libncurses5-dev libnet-http-perl libnet-ssleay-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libpangoft2-1.0-0 libpaper-utils
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpaper1 libpcre16-3 libpcre3-dev libpcre32-3 libpcrecpp0v5 libperl5.22
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpipeline1 libpixman-1-0 libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libpython-stdlib
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libquadmath0 libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev libsigsegv2 libsm6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libstdc++-5-dev libtcl8.6 libthai-data libthai0 libtiff5 libtimedate-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libtinfo-dev libtk8.6 libtsan0 libubsan0 libunistring0 liburi-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libwww-perl libwww-robotrules-perl libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libxcb-render0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxft2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libxml-parser-perl libxml2 libxmuu1 libxrender1 libxss1 libxt6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   linux-libc-dev m4 make man-db netbase openssl patch perl perl-modules-5.22
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   pkg-config po-debconf python python-minimal python-pkg-resources
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   python-scour python-six tzdata ucf unzip x11-common xauth xdg-utils xz-utils
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   zip zlib1g-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 Suggested packages:
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   autoconf-archive gnu-standards autoconf-doc libtool binutils-doc wamerican
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   | wordlist whois vacation bzip2-doc devscripts cpp-doc gcc-5-locales dh-make
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-5-multilib gcc-5-doc libstdc++6-5-dbg
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   gcc-multilib manpages-dev flex bison gdb gcc-doc gcc-5-multilib libgcc1-dbg
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libgomp1-dbg libitm1-dbg libatomic1-dbg libasan2-dbg liblsan0-dbg
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libtsan0-dbg libubsan0-dbg libcilkrts5-dbg libmpx0-dbg libquadmath0-dbg
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   gettext-doc autopoint gfortran-multilib gfortran-doc gfortran-5-multilib
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   gfortran-5-doc libgfortran3-dbg groff liblapack-doc-man liblapack-doc
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   glibc-doc libdata-dump-perl icu-doc libcrypt-ssleay-perl liblzma-doc
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   ncurses-doc readline-doc libstdc++-5-doc tcl8.6 tk8.6 libauthen-ntlm-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   make-doc less www-browser ed diffutils-doc perl-doc
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libterm-readline-gnu-perl | libterm-readline-perl-perl libmail-box-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   python-doc python-tk python-setuptools python-rsvg python-cairo ess
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   r-doc-info | r-doc-pdf r-mathlib r-base-html texlive-base texlive-latex-base
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   texlive-generic-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texinfo
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   gvfs-bin
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 Recommended packages:
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   fakeroot libalgorithm-merge-perl libasprintf-dev libgettextpo-dev bzip2-doc
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   manpages manpages-dev libfile-fcntllock-perl libglib2.0-data
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   shared-mime-info xdg-user-dirs libhtml-format-perl libhtml-form-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libhttp-daemon-perl libmailtools-perl xml-core ifupdown rename
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libmail-sendmail-perl r-recommended r-doc-html libfile-mimeinfo-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libnet-dbus-perl libx11-protocol-perl x11-utils x11-xserver-utils
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16 The following NEW packages will be installed:
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   autoconf automake autotools-dev binutils bsdmainutils build-essential bzip2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   ca-certificates cdbs cpp cpp-5 debhelper dh-strip-nondeterminism
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   dh-translations dpkg-dev file fontconfig fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 gettext gettext-base gfortran gfortran-5 groff-base
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   icu-devtools intltool intltool-debian libarchive-zip-perl libasan2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libasprintf0v5 libatomic1 libblas-common libblas-dev libblas3 libbz2-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcairo2 libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libcroco3 libcurl3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libdatrie1 libdpkg-perl libencode-locale-perl libfile-listing-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libfile-stripnondeterminism-perl libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgcc-5-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libgdbm3 libgfortran-5-dev libgfortran3 libglib2.0-0 libgomp1 libgraphite2-3
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libharfbuzz0b libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libhttp-cookies-perl libhttp-date-perl libhttp-message-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libhttp-negotiate-perl libice6 libicu-dev libicu55 libio-html-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libio-socket-ssl-perl libisl15 libitm1 libjbig0 libjpeg-dev libjpeg-turbo8
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libjpeg-turbo8-dev libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev liblapack-dev liblapack3 liblsan0
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   liblwp-mediatypes-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl liblzma-dev libmagic1
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libmpc3 libmpfr4 libmpx0 libncurses5-dev libnet-http-perl libnet-ssleay-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libpangoft2-1.0-0 libpaper-utils
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpaper1 libpcre16-3 libpcre3-dev libpcre32-3 libpcrecpp0v5 libperl5.22
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libpipeline1 libpixman-1-0 libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libpython-stdlib
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libquadmath0 libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev libsigsegv2 libsm6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libstdc++-5-dev libtcl8.6 libthai-data libthai0 libtiff5 libtimedate-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libtinfo-dev libtk8.6 libtsan0 libubsan0 libunistring0 liburi-perl
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libwww-perl libwww-robotrules-perl libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libxcb-render0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxft2
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   libxml-parser-perl libxml2 libxmuu1 libxrender1 libxss1 libxt6
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   linux-libc-dev m4 make man-db netbase openssl patch perl perl-modules-5.22
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   pkg-config po-debconf python python-minimal python-pkg-resources
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   python-scour python-six r-base-core r-base-dev tzdata ucf unzip x11-common
29-Sep-2019 15:31:16   xauth xdg-utils xz-utils zip zlib1g-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 0 upgraded, 170 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Need to get 114 MB of archives.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 After this operation, 409 MB of additional disk space will be used.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17   r-base-core r-base-dev
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 E: There were unauthenticated packages and -y was used without --allow-unauthenticated
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 The command '/bin/sh -c echo "deb xenial/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/R.list     && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E084DAB9     && apt-get -q -q update     && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends r-base-core r-base-dev     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*     && Rscript --vanilla -e "install.packages('jsonlite', repos=''); print(system.file(package = 'jsonlite')); q(status=as.integer(system.file(package = 'jsonlite') == ''))"' returned a non-zero code: 100
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh] was 100 while expected 0
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Finished task 'docker build and push' with result: Failed
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Finalising the build...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Stopping timer.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Build CATS-PYC25-JOB1-1 completed.
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 All post build plugins have finished
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Generating build results summary...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Saving build results to disk...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Logging substituted variables...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Indexing build results...
29-Sep-2019 15:31:17 Finished building CATS-PYC25-JOB1-1.