Build: #1 was successful First build for this plan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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30-Oct-2019 10:58:53 ---> Running in 2a7dee69e979
30-Oct-2019 10:58:54 Removing intermediate container 2a7dee69e979
30-Oct-2019 10:58:54 ---> 2073bfb40e87
30-Oct-2019 10:58:54 Step 4/4 : ENV EXTRACTION_MODULE="wordcount"
30-Oct-2019 10:58:54 ---> Running in 3b1a1e8d7ea6
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Removing intermediate container 3b1a1e8d7ea6
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 ---> d7974c3376cb
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Successfully built d7974c3376cb
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-wordcount-simple-extractor:latest
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Sending build context to Docker daemon   5.12kB
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Step 1/3 : ARG PYCLOWDER_PYTHON=""
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 Step 2/3 : FROM clowder/extractors-simple-r-extractor${PYCLOWDER_PYTHON}:onbuild
30-Oct-2019 10:58:55 # Executing 5 build triggers
30-Oct-2019 10:58:56 ---> Running in c4eed32e19a4
30-Oct-2019 10:58:57 Removing intermediate container c4eed32e19a4
30-Oct-2019 10:58:58 ---> Running in 3cf95b485062
30-Oct-2019 10:59:00 Removing intermediate container 3cf95b485062
30-Oct-2019 10:59:01 ---> 0d4a03f6f7e4
30-Oct-2019 10:59:01 Step 3/3 : ENV R_SCRIPT="wordcount.R"     R_FUNCTION="process_file"
30-Oct-2019 10:59:01 ---> Running in 68418d8d4ccd
30-Oct-2019 10:59:03 Removing intermediate container 68418d8d4ccd
30-Oct-2019 10:59:03 ---> 8833c422973d
30-Oct-2019 10:59:03 Successfully built 8833c422973d
30-Oct-2019 10:59:03 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-wordcount-simple-r-extractor:latest