Build: #32 was successful Changes by Gowtham Naraharisetty and Christopher Navarro

Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (5 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Story CCROP-238 Update summary table columns so there is a clear distinction between column headers and row data. Done Gowtham Naraharisetty 1.3 1 related build
Task CCROP-259 Update webpack, material-ui and fix package vulnerabilities Done Gowtham Naraharisetty 1.3 1 related build
Task CCROP-301 Create docker scripts to build frontend using docker container Done Christopher Navarro 1.3 1 related build
Bug CCROP-354 For decomposition calculation floor the C:N ratio to 30 if it's greater. Done Gowtham Naraharisetty 1.3 1 related build
Bug CCROP-355 Popup graphs are not displaying titles Done Gowtham Naraharisetty 1.3 2 related builds