Build: #173 did not complete Changes by Steve Lawrence

Build result summary


Reason for not building is unknown

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence 288e7795aad4a18f51f21a032a9179ac73f458cf Fix unparsing complex elements in hidden groups
- Hidden elements will never result in infoset events. So do not try to
  consume events when the element is hidden. Only do that for non-hidden
- Because hidden elements do not create events, InfosetElements are also
  never created. So for hidden elements, manually create an
  InfosetElement and set it as the current node. This allows expressions
  to reference those elements and ensure child elements are added to the
  correct InfosetElement.
- For the StatementElementOVCUnparser, do not always create a new
  DISimple. Since OVC elements are optional in the infoset, events for
  they may or may not exist. If they do exist, there will be an event,
  and we can use the infoset element the event creates. If they do not
  exist, either because they were not in the infoset or because they
  where hidden, then create the DISimple infoset element. Note that the
  existing infoset element needs to be reset since we don't want it to
  ever have a value unless it's been calculated. A resetValue function
  is added to remove its value.
- Improve error checking for non-hidden elements to ensure we get
  not only a start event, but a start event for the correct ERD.


Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeDFDL-1552Could not obtain issue details from Jira