Build: #3 failed Changes by Mike Beckerle

Build result summary


1 minute
Failing since
#1 (First build for this plan – )
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.


This build has been failing since #1
No one has taken responsibility

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Mike Beckerle Mike Beckerle b73db289eb77d9b762f0af63a99027ec8280642f checkpoint - daffodil-lib and daffodil-core run their unit tests now.
Mike Beckerle Mike Beckerle 0c77e77f2bf050c97f94899d5ff4b7fa5a314dd0 checkpoint
Mike Beckerle Mike Beckerle 6d49a6240383fb04a31e08dd274b08d7a0bd0843 Big refactoring underway. Not entirely done.
Split more things out of core into daffodil-io and daffodil-lib. E.g.,
infoset is now in daffodil-io. Everything about throwing diagnostic
errors is in daffodil-lib.

Created StaticInfo StaticDebugInfo, StaticTypeInfo objects to carry the
required fields that are needed by the runtime system, so as to allow
parser serialization without the compiler data structures.
Mike Beckerle Mike Beckerle 2ba5ac637d333b7d1b2995cb78ab5d95c47ca156 Clean up some tdml issues before modifying tdml runner to support bitOrder.
Added test for Scala's trim showing that it is faulty.

Created our own trim replacement.

Error summary for build, test, publish

The job generated some errors, drill down into the full build log for more details.

Could not find test result reports in the /home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/DFDL-REV3-JOB1 directory.