Build: #1 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 147 lines of output. Download or view full build log.

02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Build FarmDoc - ECON-API - FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1) started building on agent, bamboo version: 7.2.2
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Remote agent on host
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Executing build FarmDoc - ECON-API - FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1)
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Build always requires a clean checkout
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Updating source code to revision: b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Fetching 'refs/heads/FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint' from 'ssh://'.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:03 Warning: Permanently added '[]:41369' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 From ssh://
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 * [new branch]      FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint -> FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Checking out revision b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1/.git'.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Cloning into '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1'...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 done.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Switched to a new branch 'FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Branch FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint set up to track remote branch FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint from origin.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Updated source code to revision: b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - ECON-API - FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2       digest: sha256:dea0bc422967c9dd70ba64606dfc514bb5ea028ffaff13269f108ac0606bc751
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2         name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.282860272 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.282921847 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2     duration: 61.575µs
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.283023677 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2 transferring dockerfile:
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2 transferring dockerfile: 300B done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1 ...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1       digest: sha256:9985b0b1e86e56e80a6d5ba588997d526c4aa4b5410a1411dc2347ce9e21ccac
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1         name: "[internal] load .dockerignore"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.282934129 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.49149719 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1     duration: 208.563061ms
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #1 transferring context: 65B done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.597562438 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #2     duration: 314.538761ms
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3 [internal] load metadata for
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3       digest: sha256:a94c831f6b826f8ffd4325edd7e9f6408caa85fd7f03e2b107cc6a9d249f7065
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3         name: "[internal] load metadata for"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.695266756 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.960461121 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04 #3     duration: 265.194365ms
02-Apr-2021 16:45:04
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5 [1/4] FROM
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5       digest: sha256:f84f30ba961865713d553a0e1eebd2507484e08dc7667c01807c2646658bcb78
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5         name: "[1/4] FROM"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961388312 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961538694 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #5     duration: 150.382µs
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4       digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4         name: "[internal] helper image for file operations"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961388425 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961611584 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #4     duration: 223.159µs
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6 [internal] load build context
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6       digest: sha256:147bc61f9f5349ce414bff1581d9997a79fa097f7a1d9bd74756833a9c0184a4
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6         name: "[internal] load build context"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.96153832 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961576435 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6     duration: 38.115µs
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:04.961800707 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6 transferring context: 28.77kB done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.269513347 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #6     duration: 307.71264ms
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7 [2/4] COPY ./requirements.txt /root/service/requirements.txt
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7       digest: sha256:22d0320957c705be1e50903f5dbbfca85c6c58ed64aca7fe4253dd2d03236dce
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7         name: "[2/4] COPY ./requirements.txt /root/service/requirements.txt"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344066582 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344066582 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7     duration: 0s
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #7       cached: true
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /root/service/requirements.txt
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8       digest: sha256:df5e73760bb84707de96b846cd8165f2e8ea340c690678d2996cd79f224632b0
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8         name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /root/service/requirements.txt"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344066582 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344066582 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8     duration: 0s
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #8       cached: true
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9 [4/4] COPY . /root/service
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9       digest: sha256:f136590ab6d3b439b9b2a4f7a3bdb942a3b29cef2b60c2926a7385404d25db92
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9         name: "[4/4] COPY . /root/service"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344066582 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344094544 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9     duration: 27.962µs
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #9       cached: true
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10 exporting to image
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10       digest: sha256:68691dcd6167830fa4f4a0b986502bea3890660d6f9a5d2cb615ac54eb6304ec
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10         name: "exporting to image"
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10      started: 2021-04-02 21:45:05.344158702 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10 exporting layers done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10 writing image sha256:973a700bfdb1ccb21350decf9241249db87ec85c4ce7e51e6adf06b3bad87ef5 0.1s done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:05 #10 naming to
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 #10    completed: 2021-04-02 21:45:06.006290186 +0000 UTC
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 #10     duration: 662.131484ms
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 #10 naming to 0.0s done
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Starting task 'docker release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06
Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - ECON-API - FD-394-soil-split-current-field-table-and-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Pushing from a branch that is not master or develop is not allowed
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Finished task 'docker release' with result: Success
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Finalising the build...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Stopping timer.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Build FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1 completed.
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 All post build plugins have finished
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Generating build results summary...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Saving build results to disk...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Store variable context...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Indexing build results...
02-Apr-2021 16:45:06 Finished building FD-ECONAPI8-JOB1-1.