Build: #247 failed Changes by Michelle Pitcel and Indira Gutierrez Polo


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02-Feb-2018 11:58:22
02-Feb-2018 11:58:22
02-Feb-2018 11:58:22 New screenshot at results/screenshots/results/mg53a73z0k9/explore-map-trends_0.png
02-Feb-2018 11:58:22 ⚠  Geodashboard Home page: 125 tests planned, 4 tests executed
02-Feb-2018 11:58:22
02-Feb-2018 11:58:22 THE END.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 PASS The title shows IMLCZO - Compare
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 PASS The #compare-sidebar div is found.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 PASS The #compare-graph div is found.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 PASS 0 element matching selector "" found
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 ⚠  Geodashboard Compare View: 11 tests planned, 4 tests executed
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 THE END.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 Done, without errors.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 Execution Time (2018-02-02 11:57:38 UTC-6)
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 mocha_phantomjs:all     20.7s  ▇▇▇ 6%
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 casperjs:files       5m 12.3s  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 93%
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 Total 5m 34.1s
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 If you don't see your keys, type 'stty echo'.
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12
02-Feb-2018 12:03:12 Done, without errors.