Build: #14 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 38 tests in total
  • 2 tests were fixed
  • 20 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 20 seconds taken in total.

The following 18 tests have passed: 2 tests were fixed since the last build.

Fixed tests 2
Status Test Duration
Successful Search page tests should contain the same number of Sensor Views as Sensors in the collection
10 secs
Successful Sensors Collection should have length greater than zero
10 secs
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful Initialize the application should initialize the application object
< 1 sec
Successful Namespace provides the app object
< 1 sec
Successful Search page tests should contain the same number of Sensor Views as Sensors in the collection
10 secs
Successful Search page tests should show a map
< 1 sec
Successful Sensors Collection should be an instance of Backbone.Collection
< 1 sec
Successful Sensors Collection should have length greater than zero
10 secs
Successful Sources Collection should be an instance of Backbone.Collection
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Backbone
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Leaflet
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Underscore
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register jQuery
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor has default values when no arguments are passed
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should be an instance of the app.model.Sensor Backbone model
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should have a geometry property on the model with the length of 3
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should have a name property on the model that matches the GeoJSON
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should match the geometry coordinate's values (uses Chai's 'deep.equal' function)
< 1 sec
Successful config object and required properties the app.config object exists
< 1 sec
Successful config object and required properties the app.config.clowderUrl is a non-empty string
< 1 sec
  • Showing 1-18 of 18