SeaGrant specific

Build: #28 was successful Changes by Yan Zhao

Test results

  • 38 tests in total
  • 20 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 20 seconds taken in total.
Skipped tests 20
Status Test Failing since View job
Skipped Search page tests clicking Reset Search should un-check all sensors, sources, parameters, and areas
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Areas should draw sensors when an area is clicked
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Areas should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then an Area should only highlight sensors on the map in the area for the source
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then an Area should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then a Parameter, then an Area should only highlight sensors on the map in the area for the source with those parameters
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then a Parameter, then an Area should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then a Parameter, then draw an Area should only highlight sensors on the map in the area for the source with those parameters
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Click a Source, then a Parameter, then draw an Area should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Draw an area when nothing is checked should color in the sensors
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Draw an area when nothing is checked should check the sensor models that were drawn
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Draw an area when nothing is checked should draw an area on the map
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests draw a region, then check a source, then uncheck a source select a source -> all sensors of that source are color coded, number of sites selected correct
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests draw a region, then check a source, then uncheck a source remove selected region -> no sensors are color coded (probably BUG 1), number of sites selected incorrect (BUG 2)
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests draw a region, then check a source, then uncheck a source draw region on map with some sensors in it -> all selected sensors are color coded, number of sites selected correct
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests draw a region, then check a source, then uncheck a source unselect source -> no sensors are color coded (BUG 1), number of sites selected correct
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Parameters should draw sensors when a parameter is clicked
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Parameters should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Sources should update Results View
Default Job
Skipped Search page tests Sources should draw sensors when a source is clicked
Default Job

See detailed test results for Default Job.