Plan Build Completed Tests Reason
converters-avconv The last build was not built #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-clowder The last build was not built #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-daffodil Last build was successful #10 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-ebook-convert Checking out source code #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-ffmpeg Last build was successful #11 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-flac Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-gdal Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-geoexpress Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-ghostscript Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-htmldoc Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-hyperspectral The last build was not built #11 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-imagemagick Last build was successful #20 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-kabeja Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-ncdump Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-openjpeg The last build was not built #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-pecan The last build was not built #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-txt2html Last build was successful #9 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-unoconv Last build was successful #11 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
converters-zip Last build was successful #14 5 years ago No tests found Child of POL-MAIN-174
Main Last build was successful #174 5 years ago 7 passed Changes by Rob Kooper and Bing Zhang