Build: #1 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 98 lines of output. Download or view full build log.

17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Build Tupelo - MAIN - 2.5 - Default Job #1 (TUP-MAIN2-JOB1-1) started building on agent Default Agent
17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Build working directory is /home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/TUP-MAIN2-JOB1
17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Executing build Tupelo - MAIN - 2.5 - Default Job #1 (TUP-MAIN2-JOB1-1)
17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Updating source code to revision: 2d9ec70797c0b3eb195cba23056d7a948fc99c59
17-Aug-2013 09:33:23 Fetching 'refs/heads/2.5' from ''.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 From
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 * [new branch]      2.5        -> 2.5
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 From
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 * [new tag]         2.5        -> 2.5
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 * [new tag]         2.5-rc1    -> 2.5-rc1
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 * [new tag]         2.5-rc2    -> 2.5-rc2
17-Aug-2013 09:33:24 * [new tag]         mmdb-0.5   -> mmdb-0.5
17-Aug-2013 09:33:25 Checking out revision 2d9ec70797c0b3eb195cba23056d7a948fc99c59.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:25 Creating local git repository in '/home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/TUP-MAIN2-JOB1/.git'.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:25 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/TUP-MAIN2-JOB1/.git/
17-Aug-2013 09:33:25 warning: refname '2.5' is ambiguous.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:25 Switched to branch '2.5'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 Updated source code to revision: 2d9ec70797c0b3eb195cba23056d7a948fc99c59
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 Running pre-build action: Clover Grails PreBuild Action
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 Starting task 'clean compile deploy' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.maven:task.builder.mvn2'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Tupelo - MAIN - 2.5 - Default Job #1 (TUP-MAIN2-JOB1-1)'
... running command line:
/usr/local/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn clean compile deploy
... in: /home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/TUP-MAIN2-JOB1/tupelo-all
... using extra environment variables:
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
17-Aug-2013 09:33:26 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] Reactor build order:
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-all: Tupelo Semantic Content Repository
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-core: kernel and utilities
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-util: generic utilities
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-kernel: contexts and operations
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-rdf-ntriples: N-Triples parser
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-sql: base SQL support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-cet: CyberEnvironment support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-mysql: MySQL support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-jena: Jena Context implementation
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-rss: RSS support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-plist: PList support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-sesame: Sesame 1.x support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-sesame: Sesame 2.x support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-client: client for Tupelo Server
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-webdav: WebDAV support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-postgresql: PostgreSQL support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-derby: Derby support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-h2: H2 database support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-sparql: SPARQL support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-swrl: basic SWRL support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-ssh: SSH Context implementaiton
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-lucene: indexing using lucene
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-ie: Information Extraction from unstructured and semi-structured text
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-cli: command-line tools
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-uriqa: extended URIQA support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-server: Tupelo Server and utilities
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-journaling: A journaling context for tupelo
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-oracle: oracle database support
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-perf: performance metrics
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-mp3: id3 support for mp3 files
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-server-webapp: skeletal Tupelo Server webapp
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]   tupelo-dev: developer's tools for tupelo
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] Building tupelo-all: Tupelo Semantic Content Repository
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO]    task-segment: [clean, compile, deploy]
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
17-Aug-2013 09:33:27 [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] [site:attach-descriptor {execution: default-attach-descriptor}]
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] [install:install {execution: default-install}]
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] Installing /home/opensource/data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/TUP-MAIN2-JOB1/tupelo-all/pom.xml to /home/opensource/.m2/repository/org/tupeloproject/tupelo-all/2.5/tupelo-all-2.5.pom
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] [deploy:deploy {execution: default-deploy}]
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [ERROR] BUILD ERROR
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason:
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] Total time: 2 seconds
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] Finished at: Sat Aug 17 09:33:28 CDT 2013
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] Final Memory: 19M/302M
17-Aug-2013 09:33:28 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Failing task since return code of [/usr/local/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn clean compile deploy] was 1 while expected 0
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Parsing test results...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Finished task 'clean compile deploy'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Finalising the build...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Stopping timer.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Build TUP-MAIN2-JOB1-1 completed.
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 All post build plugins have finished
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Generating build results summary...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Saving build results to disk...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Indexing build results...
17-Aug-2013 09:33:29 Finished building TUP-MAIN2-JOB1-1.