Instructions to do a demo of stopping/starting a tool from TC on is below.

Use the "OpenCV - Demo" tool and its "OCR" interface that I created today.

VPN into the NCSA network, since the RabbitMQ server's port 15672 is open only to it. In a browser window, show the OCR queue page in RabbitMQ's "clowder-dev" virtual host:

Log in as an admin user. (Kenton's account is an admin user).
Go to the "Admin" page, then click "Deploy Interfaces". The published tool interfaces are listed.

A. Stop OCR:

1. In TC's deployment page, for the "OpenCV - Demo" line, click on "Stop". Leave the default "clowder development" RabbitMQ instance (hardcoded, other values would NOT work). Change the "Queue Name" to "ncsa.image.ocr".
2. Click "Submit Query".
3. After a while, the existing consumers in the OCR queue page will be all gone, indicating they are stopped.

B. Start OCR again:

1. In TC's deployment page, for the "OpenCV - Demo" line, click on "Add". Check "Overwrite existing". Leave the default "clowder development" RabbitMQ instance (hardcoded, other values would NOT work). Change the "Queue Name" to "ncsa.image.ocr". Leave the min and max default values (1 and 2), or you can use 2 and 3 if you want. Put "ocr" in "Short Name", "ncsa/clowder-ocr:2.2" in "Docker image name from Docker Hub".
2. Click "Submit Query".
3. After 30 secs to 1 min, consumers in the OCR queue page will appear, indicating they are started.

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