(Swagger API documentation)

Headers must include a valid token as follows:


DAP (Conversions)

GET/dap/outputsList all output formats that can be reached
GET/dap/inputsList all input formats that can be accepted

List all output formats that can reach the specified input format.  Limit the number of hops allowed by setting chain parameter, e.g.:

GET/dap/convertList all output formats that can be reached
GET/dap/convert/{output_format}List all input formats that can reach the specified output format

Convert the specified file to the requested output format.  Specify the specific application to use with the application parameter, e.g.:

POST/dap/convert/{output_format}Convert the uploaded file to the requested output format
GET/dap/path/{output_format}/{input_format}Return the conversion path that would be used for this conversion
GET/dap/softwareList all available conversion software
GET/dap/software/{software}List all output formats available for this software
GET/dap/software/{software}/{output_format}List all input formats available for this software
GET/dap/serversList all currently available Software Servers

DTS (Extractions)

GET/dts/api/extractions/supported_input_typesLists the input file format supported by currently running extractors
POST/dts/api/extractions/upload_urlUploads a file for extraction using the file's URL

Uploads a file for extraction of metadata and returns file id.  To disable auto-extraction pass in header:

Content-Type: extractors/nogo
GET/dts/api/extractions/{id}/statusChecks for the status of all extractors processing the file with id
GET/dts/api/files/{id}/metadata.jsonldGet metadata associated with the file (in JSON-LD)
GET/dts/api/files/{id}/tagsGets tags associated with the file
GET/dts/api/files/{id}/technicalmetadataGet automatically generated technical metadata associated with the file
GET/dts/api/files/{id}/versusmetadataGet Versus metadata associated with the file

Run a specific extractor on the file.  Specify which extractor within the body of a JSON document, for example:

GET/dts/api/extractorsLists the past and present registered extractors
GET/dts/api/extractions/extractors_namesLists the currently running extractors
GET/dts/api/extractions/extractors_detailsLists the details of the currently running extractors


List all extractors that would be executed for the given file type specified in the parameters, e.g.:

GET/dts/api/extractions/server_ipsLists servers IPs running the extractors

DataWolf (Executors)


Display an editable workflow for a given transformation (specified in body):

"file":{URL to DAP output or file ID for DTS input}

Proposed modifications to the DAP and DTS API's are in discussion here.

  • No labels


  1. This page should include at least a link to the authorization side of the API. It mentions the token at the top, but most users will not know how to get that without a link or inline instructions. It's the first thing they have to do to use the API.

    1. FYI, this page will no longer be the main reference to the API once the Swagger documentation Luigi Marini is working on is done.

  2. Is this page still accurate? If not, it should probably be removed or hidden as it is public.

    1. Good point Gregory JansenKenton McHenry can I delete the old info about the endpoints and add some text about the swagger api?