Blog from September, 2009

Combo box abilities

I'm currently working on making parameters have options you have to select from. Currently the only executor that understands this is CyberintegratorTool. If you grab the latest version of the jar file cyberintegratortool_20090925 you can now create a Parameter that has a list of options the user can select from. public Parameter(String id, String name, String description, String value, String... options);

I'm slowly in the process of adding this to the matlab and command-line executor as well.

Matlab Executor

If the matlab executor does not work for you, please check the following two requirements:


  • Make sure you have csh installed on your system
  • the .so file is compiled assuming matlab installed/symlinked to /usr/local/matlab


  • Make sure that the matlab bin folder is on your path.

In my previous post I spoke about a new version of the CyberintegratorTool. As it turned out there is no easy way for me to maintain backwards compatibility. I was hoping not to have done this. So from today's build onwards you will need to use the new version of cyberintegratortool.jar file and the new CyberintegratorTool{File,Tupelo} interface.

Since I was breaking backwards compatibility I figured this was a good time to introduce multiple input and outputs. setInput now has as second argument a list of files/resources. void setInput(String id, List<File|Resource> input); The files/resources are in order in which the user selected them. The same goes for getOutput. List<File|Resource> getOutput(String id); It will return a list files/resources in order that they will be associated with the output.

To reflect this change in getInputs and getOutputs the Dataset definition now has a min and max value, which by default are 1. To make the number unlimited use max as 0.

Finally Parameter now has an enumeration as type which can be STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN.

Here is the link to the cyberintegratortool.jar jar file again.

An example of the interface can be found by looking at WordFinder

Cyberintegrator Tool

In my previous post I spoke about a new version of the CyberintegratorTool. As it turned out there is no easy way for me to maintain backwards compatibility. I was hoping not to have done this. So from today's build onwards you will need to use the new version of cyberintegratortool.jar file and the new CyberintegratorTool{File,Tupelo} interface.

Since I was breaking backwards compatibility I figured this was a good time to introduce multiple input and outputs. setInput now has as second argument a list of files. The files are in order in which the user selected them. The same goes for getOutput it will return a list files in order that they will be associated with the output. For CyberintegratorToolTupelo it is the same instead of list of files they will get a list of resources.

To reflect this change in getInputs and getOutputs the Dataset definition now has a min and max value, which by default are 1. To make the number unlimited use max as 0.

Here is the link to the cyberintegratortool.jar jar file again.

Current work in progress is an update to the CyberintegratorTool interface. Use of CyberintegratorTool interface is now deprecated and tool developers should switch to use the CyberintegratorToolFile interface. The interface is exactly the same as before so no changes to are needed.

The CyberintegratorToolTupelo interface is almost the same as before. The only change is that the functions void setInput(String id, File input); and File getOutput(String id); are no longer part of the interface since they should not have been used.

The Parameter class now uses an enumerated list for types supported by Cyberintegrator. The string version for type can still be used but is deprecated.

The Dataset class still allows to pass in filename to the constructor but this is deprecated since it is not used.

To start working with the new interface you will need an updated version of cyberintegratortool.jar.