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Details on the production of the DES SVA1 redMaPPer galaxy cluster and redMaGiC red galaxy catalogs are described in Rykoff et al. (2016) and Rozo et al. (2015).  Users should consult these papers for any and all details about the catalogs and tests that have been performed.  Further questions should be addressed to Eli Rykoff or Eduardo Rozo, who are the corresponding authors of these papers, and have email addresses therein.  On this page, we merely describe the structure of the files being distributed, including brief descriptions of each of the columns included in the files.

As described in Rykoff et al. (2016), there are two redMaPPer cluster catalogs.  The first is the fiducial catalog with a more conservative footprint and star/galaxy separation.  The second is the "expanded" catalog, with inferior star/galaxy separation, a larger footprint, and less conservative masking.

As described in Rozo et al. (2015) (see Table 3) there are two redMaGiC red galaxy catalogs, with two different luminosity/density cuts.  These are described as the "Bright" and "Faint" redMaGiC samples, although we note that the brightest galaxies in the "faint" sample substantially overlap the "bright" sample; that is, these are two alternative catalogs and should not be combined.

Table of Contents


redMaPPer Catalog Formats

Cluster Catalog Format

See Rykoff et al. (2016), Table 8.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IDINT(4)redMaPPer Cluster Identification Number
NAMECHAR(20)redMaPPer Cluster Name
RAFLOAT(8)Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
DECFLOAT(8)Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
Z_LAMBDAFLOAT(4)Cluster photo-z
Z_LAMBDA_ERRFLOAT(4)Gaussian error estimate for Z_LAMBDA
LAMBDAFLOAT(4)Richness estimate
LAMBDA_ERRFLOAT(4)Gaussian error estimate for LAMBDA
SFLOAT(4)Richness scale factor (see Eqn. 2 in Rykoff et al. 2016)
Z_SPECFLOAT(4)Spectroscopic redshift for most likely center (-1.0 if not available)
COADD_OBJECTS_IDINT(8)Unique object identifier (can be used to match against other SVA1 catalogs)
MAG_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)g MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)error on g MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)r MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)error on r MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)i MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)error on i MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)z MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)error on z MAG_AUTO magnitude
ZLUMFLOAT(4)Total membershift-weighted z-band luminosity (units of L_*)
P_CEN[5]5 x FLOAT(4)Centering probability P_cen for 5 most likely centrals
RA_CEN[5]5 x FLOAT(8)R.A. for 5 most likely centrals
DEC_CEN[5]5 x FLOAT(8)Decl. for 5 most likely centrals
ID_CEN[5]5 x INT(8)COADD_OBJECTS_ID for 5 most likely centrals
PZBINS[21]21 x FLOAT(4)Redshift points at which P(z) is evaluated
PZ[21]21 x FLOAT(4)P(z) evaluated at redshift points given by PZBINS

Member Catalog Format

See Rykoff et al. (2016), Table 9.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IDINT(4)redMaPPer cluster identification number
RAFLOAT(8)Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
DECFLOAT(8)Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
RFLOAT(4)Distance from cluster center (h^{-1} Mpc)
PFLOAT(4)Membership probability
P_FREEFLOAT(4)Probability that member is not a member of a higher-ranked cluster
THETA_LFLOAT(4)Luminosity (z-band) weight
THETA_RFLOAT(4)Radial weight
MAG_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)g MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)error on g MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)r MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)error on r MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)i MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)error on i MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)z MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)error on z MAG_AUTO magnitude
Z_SPECFLOAT(4)Spectroscopic redshift (-1.0 if not available)
COADD_OBJECTS_IDINT(8)Unique object identifier (can be used to match against other SVA1 catalogs)

Zmask Format

See Rykoff et al. (2016), Table 10.

Column NameData TypeDescription
HPIXINT(8)HEALPIX ring-ordered pixel number (nside=4096)
ZMAXFLOAT(4)Maximum redshift of a cluster centered in this pixel
FRACGOODFLOAT(4)Fraction of pixel area that is not masked

Random Point Format

See Rykoff et al. (2016), Table 11.

Column NameData TypeDescription
RAFLOAT(8)Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
DECFLOAT(8)Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
ZFLOAT(4)Redshift of random point
LAMBDAFLOAT(4)Richness of random point
WEIGHTFLOAT(4)Weight of random point

Effective Area Format

See Rykoff et al. (2016), Table 12.

Column NameData TypeDescription
ZFLOAT(4)Redshift cut
AREAFLOAT(4)Effective area (degree^2)


redMaGiC Catalog Format

See Rozo et al. (2015), Table B2.

Column NameData TypeDescription
COADD_OBJECTS_IDINT(8)Unique object identifier (can be used to match against other SVA1 catalogs)
RAFLOAT(8)Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
DECFLOAT(8)Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
MAG_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)g MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_GFLOAT(4)error on g MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)r MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_RFLOAT(4)error on r MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)i MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_IFLOAT(4)error on i MAG_AUTO magnitude
MAG_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)z MAG_AUTO magnitude for galaxy (SLR corrected)
MAGERR_AUTO_ZFLOAT(4)error on z MAG_AUTO magnitude
MABS_GFLOAT(4)Absolute magnitude in g (k-corrected to z=0.1)
MABS_ERR_GFLOAT(4)Error on absolute magnitude in g
MABS_RFLOAT(4)Absolute magnitude in r
MABS_ERR_RFLOAT(4)Error on absolute magnitude in r
MABS_IFLOAT(4)Absolute magnitude in i
MABS_ERR_IFLOAT(4)Error on absolute magnitude in i
MABS_ZFLOAT(4)Absolute magnitude in z
MABS_ERR_ZFLOAT(4)Error on absolute magnitude in z
ZLUMFLOAT(4)z band luminosity, units of L_*
ZREDMAGICFLOAT(4)redMaGiC photometric redshift
ZREDMAGIC_ERRFLOAT(4)error on redMaGiC photometric redshift
CHISQFLOAT(4)chi^2 of fit to redMaGiC template
Z_SPECFLOAT(4)spectroscopic redshift (-1.0 if not available)

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The DES Data Management system is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (1138766).


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