

Yong Wook Kim

Bethany Blakely  

Rob Kooper 

Minu Mathew 

Taylor Pederson 


  1. Check on the output of PyFluxPro run (US-UiE_HH_starttime_endtime.csv) - shared in slack.
    1. looks good as per Bethany
  2. How to handle TC_50cm_Avg and TC1_50cmAvg ; VWC_60cm_Avg and VWC2_60cm_Avg. ?
    1. manually change it for now.
  3. A look at full year Sorghum data from pipeline . Box → 2021 Sorghum → Data form pipeline
    1. looked looks ok.
  4. How to merge Met data? Should it be the separate process or should be in the pipeline or both

Action items
