

Yong Wook Kim

Bethany Blakely  

Rob Kooper 

Minu Mathew 

Taylor Pederson 


  1. Data checks for Sorghum-Soy site
    1. Timesync of -30min : First thing done in mastermet data (before precip data is merged). Precip data should be merged with the delayed timestamp. 
      1. Bethany will check more on this
    2. TAU sign check : multiply with -1. This should be done when formatting pyfluxpro input for ameriflux standards (in
    3. PPFD_IN vs SW_IN : misalignment of columns.
      1. Should be fixed with auto merging (with
  2. Publishing Maize Basalt 2021
    1. Will be done after figuring out timestamp sync of 30min.
  3. Precip data 30min aggregation when timestamp is missing.
    1. Since there are very few missing timestamps in precip data, keep the aggregation with NaNs as it is.
  4. Met data format validation - 
    1. first line always site name
    2. second line always column / met tower variable names - TIMESTAMP and RECORD mandatory?
    3. third line always units (TS, RN - mandatory) ?
    4. fourth line always Min / Avg - mandatory?
      1. Not used anywhere - chance where if this line is missing - code will still work.
      2. Does master met data need Min/Avg? (met_output.csv)
      3. These 4 lines are standard from Campbell datalogger instruments.
  5. Missing time threshold for precip data is the same as master met (example 96). That ok?
    1. Preferably should be 2 days (so 596). This is a low priority task.

Action items

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