



  • Trends - broken out to different maps now
  • Changes to the legend on Trend view that moves the threshold
  • Layout of map pins popup - issues with the seasons
  • Sent an email about clarifying the calculations. Kristin will clarify with Paul on how it is communicated, Paris will confirm the calculations are correct.
  • This week, hope to get the trends endpoint requirements sent to Rob
  • Asked Lisa for an image in case he can't get the SVG to work
  • Will get help from Brock on displaying the icons for the parameter trends.
  • Resized the SVG so that more pins will fit on the lake.


  • Asked Gene: are the thresholds soft or hard? Gene: we're asking EPA for the threshold. They don't fluctuate by season. Kristin: We do not have to worry about historical thresholds, only showing the latest threshold value.


  • Continued work on understanding the algorithms and codebase.
  • This week: meeting Barbara to discuss a way to evaluate the results of the scripts.


  • Compare Graph View
  • Trends View
  • Search Page


  • CompareView graphs
  • Search view slider
  • Waiting on email back from Kristin about the units


  • This week, looking at Pull Requests
  • Testing on SeaGrant Dev


  • Going back through the SeaGrant Dev site
  • Sent an email to Morgan Schneider - IT for USGS - to get nutrient data from the streams to go along with the River Discharge.
  • Was looking at some of the work that has been done on the Triaxis - showed to Glenn Warren before vacation and they were really interested.


  • Talked with Lisa last week, wrote down some comments, and put some in Jira.
  • Started talking with folks in the office, half are out.


Action items

  • Talk about the Triaxis script on Wednesday - see a demo with Avinash