What did we do well?

  • 4 issues completed - Original Time Estimate (2d 30m)
  • 1 issue completed outside of sprint

What should we have done better?

  • 13 issues incomplete - Original Time Estimate (2w 1d 3h)
  • 5 in review - 5 in progress - 3 not started
  • The items in review are with new technology and are non-trivial to review
  • The in progress items were basically blocked by the ones in review
  • In the items not started - there are a couple related to reviewing the release and we were not able to release code



1 Comment

  1. The 3 not started issues are mine. 2 of them depend on the new release. The 3rd one I didn't have time. 
    The cross-list filtering was what took most of my time so I wasn't able to start other ones. I considerably under estimated the effort needed for that task. And I also got sick around the end of the sprint when I was planning to work on this.