Discussion of possible pilots/demos for NDS5:

  • Discussion of TERRA
    • David and Max built a tool for TERRA – the TERRA tool launcher. It's a way to add external functionality into Clowder.
    • For the TERRA project, they are using the tool in Clowder. Can the same tool be combined with something else?
    • This is something that already exists (we don't need to build it) and won't require an extensive amount of development
    • David demonstrated TERRA integration:
      • TERRA: terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu
      • They're using Clowder and want to be able to analyze data in Jupyter notebook. Clowder is the basis. 
        • "Launch Tool" link – talks across an API. Clowder talks to the API, sending credentials needed to pull the dataset. 
        • Service API: what knowledge you need to run the container (where is the data); data transfer mechanisms (transfer from clowder); starts a container and returns UID
    • Demo:  
      • We talk about how long it took to demo TERRA, then will show how an NDS Labs user can use these tools in labs environment.
      • Can we use owncloud?


  • 8 weeks to complete the demos (2/1 - 3/25)
  • Discussion of previous meeting tasks, estimates, progress.



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