• Nebula NDS-hackathon space
    • Plan for 50
    • How will we handle passwords? Each machine will have user "ndslabs" and password. 
    • We will run the browser in the instance? Kenton is concerned that xpra is too slow
  • Video for Clowder with Terra data
    • Show tool launcher with Rstudio and Jupyter
    • Need a notebook for Jupyter? Rstudio?
    • Problem with the terra tag – need to do it manually or have official image pushed
  • Kubernenets NodePort ranges and Docker Nodeport ranges security group
  • Demo box needs to have more memory
  • Other tasks
    • Documentation
      • Update labsportal Wordpress
        • Kenton will deal with the larger restructuring and ask us for specific edits
        • Wiki: It's branded NDS, which is required – need to update to another wiki?
    • Tutorial
      • Presentations
      • Update repo Readmes to be accurate
      • Create tutorial repo with examples and commands
      • Low priority: include instructions for docker-machine
    • Videos for backup
      • Youtube channel for demos
      • What about the tutorial?
  • Setup at TACC?
  • Community communication need to decide
    • Requirements
      • Anyone can leave a question, but no Viagra spam
      • Searchable
      • Structured
      • Ability to report problems (workflow?)
    • discuss mailinglist
      • Pro: Easy, already used
      • Con: Old, no search
    • confluence questions vs stack overflow
      • Pro: we have it
      • Con: NCSA hosted
    • github issues v JIRA
      • what's the workflow for bug reports?
    • gitter v IRC
    • Types of communication
      • general questions
      • technical questions
      • bug reports, issues
      • pull requests, contributions
  • No labels