
  • Roadmap should be shaped by community with agreement from TAC (for big options); with primary focus on development
  • Some NDS tasks aren't development tasks (e.g., demos, outreach, web content)

Development priorities:

  1. Making it easy to port a Docker image created on the Workbench to either commercial cloud or XSEDE resource
    1. Commercial cloud
      1. Example: Add Mongo or iRODs
      2. May need outreach (Earthcube, ESIP, MDBH, DIBBs)
      3. Focus on MOUs, maybe DIBBs/DataNETs
  2. (Medium) Datasets that we've taken ownership of to demonstrate capabilities (e.g., DataDNS).  Need a list of datasets in the repository. Need a place to demonstrate "DataDNS" or Whole Tale with addons.
    1. NBI; Moesta dataset at SDSC; RSL at SDSC (Kenton knows others)
    2. Want a list of datasets; perhaps launch analysis on those datasets.
      1. Ideally, traverse the data (ala Girder)
      2. DataDNS w/o compute
  3. Adding InCommon authentication/access. We not creating logins any more or creating passwords
  4. Big goals in next 6 mos to year
    1. Streamline ability to run a hackathon (decrease the amount of time required to prepare/support – net time savings)
    2. Industry partner: anything that we need to deploy off-site (private cloud or commercial account/site). Doesn't need to be turn-key – maybe we install.
    3. Open question: What functionality could we add for agency solicitation? 
    4. Open question: Maintenance plan for upgrading Docker images
    5. Open question: Adding more applications to the workbench
      1. DIBBS project, candidate to add to Workbench. DIBBS projects integrating with other DIBBs projects.
  5. Not Workbench related
    1.  FRDR (Portage/Globus): Likely no development; on hold until we get go-ahead from consortium; follow existing approach
  6. Earthcube:
    1. Suave (visualization), notebook, run analysis, stuff some of that new derived data back into the original data source.


  • Website updates before SC17 or NDS8?
    • At least once per month new content
    • Single landing page to advertise to industry
    • Website changes for NDS8 registration – first week of November (SC17)
      • Re-do partners page
      • Real usability – get someone to go through the website and see if it makes sense
      • Make it easy for people to figure out how to consume
        • Apply for a pilot
        • Get a demo account on Workbench
        • Update NDS Share (Data DNS verbiage – services to glue things, partnership with WT)
      • Container workshop (events) with banner teaser
      • ESIP partnership
    • One tweet or re-tweet
    • NDS Share and Santiago
      • Not on the radar
      • Where is the SEAD data?
    • TERRA features
      • If big, would be good to review
      • Ability to secure data (strategic)
      • LDAP: less strategic (get someone to support it)
    • XSEDE JetStream
      • Apply for access. Can't do anything with Industry.
      • More than just NCSA/SDSC
    • Backup/monitoring
    • Outreach
      • Presentation to Gateways
      • Presentation to DIBBs

    Other projects/outreach

    • RDA: Summer schools in developing nations use Workbench
      • Two weeks for summer school; currently running on local laptops;
      • Would want to take the work they created and download
    • Earthcube
      • Everything's in our catalog; we have a custom catalog; can we get them to use it.
      • Pilot with Illya?
    • MBDH
      • BBD/NBI: Continued outreach; listed on website; story about it; testamonials
      • NDS/MBDH workshop (tools/methods co-hosted event)
    • Einstein Toolkit
    • ESIP


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