Checked out a copy from the repo

As per these instructions I needed to install JNotify tool to make Clowder work. 

Had to downgrade Mongo to 3.4

Had to set JVM parameters to allow enough memory and access the JNotify tool:


Used Bing's mongo db setup docker image to init the database:

docker run --rm -it \
-e "CLOWDER_SERVER=host.docker.internal" \
-e "RABBITMQ_PORT_15672_TCP_ADDR=host.docker.internal" \
-e "ADMIN=true" \
-e "PASSWORD=testing0909" \
-e "" \
-e "MONGO_URI=mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/clowder" \
--name create-useraccount \

This creates an account with username and password: testing0909

4CeeD Curator expects a property called "active" to be set to true on the social.users document in the Clowder collection to be able to log in an use Curator.

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