A listing of terms used in the Bean Session's documentation. This also provides a handy quick reference for what it can do.

This gives quick definitions for reference of the major terms used.

  • Bean: a java class which conforms to the Java bean specification, i. e., it has a no argument constructor and each property has a setter and getter. The Bean Session ignores events associated with a bean.
  • Bean Session: a stateful class that manages serializing beans to/from RDF for a given context.
  • Deregister: notification to a bean session that it should stop tracking changes to a bean and lose all pending changes.
  • Fetch: retrieving RDF statements and populating a beans properties with the resulting values. Also termed deserialization. N. B. not to be confused with the same-named Java deserialization.
  • Bean Mapping: a description of how represent a bean and its properties in RDF, and vice versa.
  • Pre/post-process: (Optional) Operations done immediately before saving a bean and then immediately after.
  • Proxy: a stand-in for a bean. A proxy is a hash map of values keyed by the property name. Used when the class for a given bean is not available.
  • Refetch: rereads the properties of a bean from a context and changes all properties to these
  • Register: notification to a bean session that it should track changes to a bean.
  • Save: converting a bean into its corresponding RDF statements and storing the results in a context. also called serialization N. B. not to be confused with the same-named Java serialization.
  • Standard bean: a bean that satisfies the java bean specification and only has standard types (including standard beans) as arguments.
  • Subject: short for RDF subject a unique identifier for a bean. Registering a bean with a bean session associates a subject with it.
  • Standard type: one of the built in standard data types recognized by the bean session.
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