Tupelo is an open-source project, and we accept contributions from users and other developers. If you have identified an issue that you think needs to be fixed or an improvement that you want, please report it as described here so that Tupelo developers and the larger community can assess the nature and importance of the issue.

Once you have reported the issue or desired improvement, follow these steps to contribute code to address it:

  • Check out the appropriate version of the Tupelo source code from Subversion.
  • Carry out the improvement or fix there. This will ensure that you are fixing the appropriate version, and that your fix does not depend on code that is external to Tupelo.
  • Develop one or more unit tests that prove that the fix or improvement works as desired, and place them in the appropriate test source directory as required by Maven.
  • Test your fix or improvement by building Tupelo with Maven, which will run our suite of unit tests and ensure that they pass.
  • Upload your code, or diffs against current code, as an attachment to the relevant JIRA issue. If you do not have a JIRA account simply email the code to futrelle (at) ncsa.uiuc.edu.
  • The Tupelo team will evaluate the fix and either accept it or reject it. The judgment will be based on whether the fix addresses the issue, how it is implemented, and/or whether the improvement is consistent with Tupelo's design and development plan.
  • Please make yourself available in the future in case issues come up with the code that you contributed, where you can provide input and guidance.

If you'd like to make many contributions, or contribute a large amount of code, contact futrelle (at) ncsa.uiuc.edu and we can discuss giving you permission to contribute code via Subversion.

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