RDF graphs consist of statements, each of which is represented by an RDF triple. Triples are represented in Tupelo 2 with the Triple class, which extends the more generic Tuple utility.

Each term in a Triple is a Resource.

Constructing Triples

To construct a URI reference, use Resource.uriRef:

Resource subject = Resource.uriRef("http://myuri.org/people/joe");
Resource predicate = Resource.uriRef("http://myuri.org/predicates/hasNickname");

To construct a literal, use Resource.literal:

Resource object = Resource.literal("Mr. RDF");

If you want a typed literal, use the two-argument form:

import org.tupeloproject.rdf.terms.Xsd;
Resource object = Resource.literal("34",Xsd.POSITIVE_INTEGER);

A Triple can be constructed from Resources:

import org.tupeloproject.rdf.terms.Dc;
Triple triple = new Triple
   Resource.literal("Tupelo project website");

The Triple class provides a convenience method that attempts to convert Java types to the relevant kinds of Resources:

import org.tupeloproject.rdf.terms.Dc;
URI website = URI.create("http://tupeloproject.org");
Triple triple1 = Triple.create(website,Dc.DESCRIPTION,"Tupelo project website");
Triple triple2 = Triple.create(website,Dc.DATE,new Date());
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