
  • Marcus Slavenas
  • Marilyn O'hare-Ruiz
  • Nancy Westcott
  • Leslie Stoecker
  • Bill Brown
  • Becky Smith

look at mir data locations

change start and end time to range for mir data

first select region then select institutions - jurisdname and organization

in region popup have button for graphing mosquito data - on same page with modal

19th 10-12 ken runkle IDPH - have some screen shots/ descriptions

Due to having to cancel the meeting last minute, I am posting this.

Here are the traps with data and the illinois climate divisions.

When user selects a trap, there is an overview of the data.

When a user selects a climate division, the user gets the name of the climate division.  The functionality 

for getting the traps within the climate division is not finished.

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