Blog from May, 2015

Update JIRA

JIRA is updated to version v6.4.5.

Reboot Sunday 2015-05-24

Sunday 2015-05-10 NCSA Open Source will be rebooted (as well as all other machines maintained by ISDA). This downtime should be minimal. During this downtime Stash will be upgraded to the latest version.

Reboot Sunday 2015-05-10

Sunday 2015-05-10 NCSA Open Source will be rebooted (as well as all other machines maintained by ISDA). This downtime should be minimal. During this downtime confluence and Stash will be upgraded to the latest version.

There will some power work done in NPCF (blue waters building) Monday the 18th. This should not affect us. There are 4 power lines going into the building and they will keep 2 power lines up at all times. However if things go wrong all power could go down, and this could bring down the networking at NPCF, which will affect all networking at NCSA as well. If this happens all external networking to NCSA will be down.

Again, this a heads up, and should not affect us unless things go very wrong.

Reboot Sunday 2015-05-03

Sunday 2015-05-03 NCSA Open Source will be rebooted (as well as all other machines machined by ISDA). This downtime should be minimal. During this downtime crowd, JIRA and FishEye will be upgraded to the latest version.