Blog from July, 2015

I will be upgrading the OS for NCSA Open Source  this Tuesday August 4th. During this time will be down, as will be 

This downtime is expected to be two hours, but I would like to reserver the whole day in case things don't go as smoothly as hoped.

I will performing an upgrade to the OS of NCSA Open Source. During this time the machine will be unavailable. To minimize the inconvenience for you I have created a poll with some dates. My estimate is that the downtime will be about 3 hours, but I would like to reserve the whole day for this task. During this time HipChat will be unavailable as well.

The options for the dates are August 4, 6, 11 and 13. If any of these dates do not work for you, please fill out the following doodle poll and indicate which dates would work.

If there are no objections to any of these dates I will update the OS on August the 6th, starting around 9 central time.

Update Confluence

Confluence was updated to version 5.8.6.

Reboot Sunday 2015-07-12
NCSA Open Source will be rebooted (as well as all other machines maintained by ISDA). This downtime should be minimal. During this downtime JIRA, Bamboo, Confluence and Stash will be upgraded to the latest version