Blog from September, 2015

On Sunday October 4th, 2015 a reboot is needed, during this time the following software will be updated to the latest version:

software : JIRA
version : 6.4.12
release notes :

software : Confluence
version : 5.8.13
release notes :

software : Stash
version : 4.0.1
release notes :

software : FishEye
version : 3.9.1
release notes :

software : HipChat
version : 1.3.4
release notes :

Power Outage

This morning around 3am, lightning hit the NCSA building and all power to the building was lost, causing the outage of NCSA Open Source. Power was restored in the morning and NCSA Open Source was rebooted and back up and running around 2:30pm.

There will be a brief outage of HipChat Sep 1st, 2015 to update HipChat to the latest version. Downtime should be less than 5 minutes, if you are logged in you will be logged out.