Blog from October, 2015

Sunday October 25, 2015 NCSA Open Source will be rebooted to update the OS. During this downtime we will update Bamboo as well as Confluence.

Migration HipChat

HipChat has been migrated to a new host. This required all users to be forcefully to be logged out. Your client might complain about you being logged out. Click on the login button to get back into the server.

Looking at the cause of the restart of NCSA Open Source today (Sunday 9:30am). All services seem to be up and running again. Let us know ( if something is not working.

HipChat will be down for a few hours on Sunday to be reconfigured. This will result in all users being logged out.

Update stash to bitbucket

Over the weekend stash was updated to bitbucket. This took longer than expected for which I'd like to apologize. All URL's should automatically redirect from stash to bitbucket, you should not notice any differences.