Blog from January, 2016

Sunday, 2015-02-07 both confluence and JIRA will be migrated to new servers. During this migration both services will be updated to the latest version. This will hopefully help with some of the slowness that sometimes happens as well give us the ability to restart individual servers instead of a reboot of all services. This will allow us to fine tune the servers for better performance for each of the services. This should however not impact NCSA Open Source and you should still be able to access the services as and as before.

This will upgrade JIRA to version 7.0.10 which is a major version jump, as always please let me know if anything does not work as expected. The update to Bitbucket will allow for LFS git repositories. These will be enabled for now. We will keep an eye on the disk usage to see how this impacts the resources provided. Other services that will be updated:

software : Bamboo
current : 5.9.7
version : 5.10.0
release notes :

software : JIRA
current : 6.4.12
version : 7.0.10
release notes :

software : Confluence
current : 5.9.1
version : 5.9.4
release notes :

software : BitBucket
current : 4.1.0
version : 4.3.2
release notes :

software : FishEye
current : 3.10.1
version : 3.10.3
release notes :


NCSA password

For those that have an NCSA username and password, and the username used in opensource matches the username is NCSA kerberos, you can now request to use your NCSA password. You will need to send an email or HipChat message to Rob Kooper ( to enable this. Unfortunately due to issue CWD-2627 I can not enable you to login with either your NCSA password or your Opensource password. If you choose to use your NCSA password you will no longer be able to login with your opensource password.

We will update HipChat to the newest version 1.3.7 on Sunday morning ( This downtime should be only 15 minutes. All users will be disconnected and might have to relogin.

UPDATE: This update will be postponed for about two weeks to allow for further testing. During this weekend NCSA Open Source will be rebooted on Sunday morning and I will do some additional testing in the morning. During this time all services will be unavailable.

Original message, this will no longer be done:

This Sunday, 2015-01-17 both confluence and JIRA will be ugraded. During this upgrade both services will be moved to new servers that will hopefully help with some of the slowness that sometimes happens. This will allow us to fine tune the servers for better performance for each of the services. This should however not impact NCSA Open Source and you should still be able to access the services as and

This will upgrade JIRA to version 7.0.5 which is a major version jump, as always please let me know if anything does not work as expected. Confluence will be updated with a minor update to version 5.9.4.

software      : JIRA
current       : 6.4.12
version       : 7.0.5
released      : 18-Dec-2015
release notes :

software      : Confluence
current       : 5.9.1
version       : 5.9.4
released      : 08-Jan-2016
release notes :