Blog from April, 2016


We seem to be getting hit with SPAM. We try to remove them as fast as we can. If you see any please forward it to and we'll remove them. The only option to prevent SPAM is to disable the account creation, which is something we don't want to do.

I installed a plugin that will allow you to mark items as spam, please us this to help us remove SPAM ASAP.

Updated finished

JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Bitbucket, FishEye, HipCHat and Nexus all have been updated to the latest version. 

During some rearranging of equipment in the machine room I accidentally unplugged opensource which resulted in an outage. At around 14:00 the system was back up and running. No data was lost during this time and all services are back up and running.

2016-04-10 Upgrades

The following upgrades will be done on Sunday 2016-04-10. During this time some of the applications will be unavailable. This page will be updated when the updates are done.

software : HipChat
current : 1.3.8
version : 1.3.9
released : 24-Mar-2016
release notes :

software : Bamboo
current :
version : 5.10.3
released : 14-Mar-2016
release notes :

software : JIRA
current : 7.0.10
version : 7.1.4
released : 06-Apr-2016
release notes :

software : Confluence
current : 5.9.6
version : 5.9.7
released : 17-Mar-2016
release notes :

software : BitBucket
current : 4.3.2
version : 4.5.1
released : 05-Apr-2016
release notes :

software : FishEye
current : 3.10.3
version : 4.0.3
released : 23-Mar-2016
release notes :