Blog from May, 2016

This weekend I will be updating the underlying hypervisor software and will need some total downtime of all machines. Once the update is complete the machines will come back up. During this time I will also update the following packages:

software : Bamboo
current : 5.10.3
version : 5.12.1
release notes :

software : JIRA
current : 7.1.4
version : 7.1.7
release notes :

software : Confluence
current : 5.9.8
version : 5.9.11
release notes :

software : BitBucket
current : 4.5.2
version : 4.6.2
release notes :

software : FishEye
current : 4.0.3
version : 4.0.4
release notes :

software : CROWD
current : 2.8.4
version : 2.9.1
release notes :


This upgrade was originally slated for 2015-05-09 but was postponed to the next day.

Tonight the HipChat server will be upgraded for an emergency patch. This upgrade will update the server to version 2.0 (from 1.4). Unfortunately there is no fix to the server unless we do this major upgrade. This upgrade will take around 1 hour and requires a reboot, which will forcefully log everybody out. For a list of all changes see: