Blog from September, 2016

Bitbucket Upgrade

Bitbucket was upgraded. The biggest change is that this allow project admins to select different merge strategies for each repository. The user doing the merge can select any of the merge strategies selected by the project admin when doing the final merge.

The merge strategy options are:

Merge commitAlways create a new merge commit and update the target branch to it, even if the source branch is already up to date with the target branch.
Fast-forwardIf the source branch is out of date with the target branch, create a merge commit. Otherwise, update the target branch to the latest commit on the source branch.
SquashCombine all commits into one new non-merge commit on the target branch.
Fast-forward onlyIf the source branch is out of date with the target branch, reject the merge request. Otherwise, update the target branch to the latest commit on the source branch.
Squash, fast-forward onlyIf the source branch is out of date with the target branch, reject the merge request. Otherwise, combine all commits into one new non-merge commit on the target branch.