Notes on the GUI

At the bare minimum, the GUI should provide the following functionality:

  • User is presented with a login page
    • User can log in (fake credentials?) and is presented
    • Upon logging in successfully, user is shown the current state of their namespace
  • User can select from a list of services offered from the Service Catalog
    • Upon selecting a service, user is asked to configure the service
    • User is presented with a list of configuration options
      • User is shown, but cannot de-select required options
      • User can select or de-select any optional plugins
  • User can choose to save the current state of the configuration
    • This will store the config in etcd in such a way that any namespace can access it?
  • User can choose to deploy the current configuration to their namespace
    • User will need to choose how much space to allocate to services that require persistent volumes

See NDS Labs Project GUI Requirements for more info on GUI requirements.

Proposed UI Mockups

All-In-One / Single-Page GUI

Proposed AIO GUI

Tabbed or Multi-Page GUI

Extended Tabular Design


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