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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Prep for the IMLCZO demo on Friday
    • Ingest HOBO data
    • Assist with the Sensor creation form on Medici
    • Any additional UI updates
  • Friday afternoon: plan for the SeaGrant meeting on 3/20
  • HOBO Ingestion Script completed
  • Friday demo completed with most tasks delivered
  • Several UI updates to Geodashboard and Medici Sensor Creation form
Dave Mattson
  • Continue Planning for 18 month review
    • followup with use-cases
    • logistics: flights, hotel
    • Begin looking at PM presentation
  • Employee Evals
  • 18 month review: use-case followup, logistics (all flights are set), working on finances - follow with co-PIs, subs
  • Review / edit docs for Jong
  • MWRD meeting, discussions re: Chicago / Minsker new requests
  • Reviewed RP candidates
Edgar F. Black
  • Continue working on DFDL schema for MSC spreadsheets
    • The XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) language will be tested as an option to finish the job.
    • the idea is to transforming the raw XML document produced by daffodil into other XML document that better suit our needs
  • Work on future developments (ideas) for the MSC project.
  • Progress was achieved in the development of XSLT scripts.
    • However there still (at least) one issue that stops me from finishing the job.
Liana Diesendruck
  • Refine river extractor results:
    • get better at erasing labels
    • create output file in correct format
  • Push fix for OCR extractor
  • Review pull request for pymedici
Mario Felarca  
Rob Kooper
  • Finish openstack (quotes and whitepaper)
  • Integrate BrownDog into PEcAn
  • switch IMLCZO hostnames
  • Elasticity spring / deployment
  • Testing medici
  • Quotes are being collected
  • imlczo migrated
  • elasticity deployed
  • created softwareserver-0004 (pecan)
  • created extractor-0019 (arcgis)
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu
  • Earthcube: work on the user metadata use case, starting from the CSV format.
  • Earthcube: work on the  model/data matching use case, look into Peishi's files and see how to integrate them into the service
  • Elasticity deployment
  • Earthcube – user metadata use case: got named graphs working.
  • Earthcube – model matching use case: the team decided that Peishi will work on it.
  • Elasticity: OCR extractor image updated and deployed; Softwareserver image updated and deployed – fixed multiple issues there.
Luigi Marini  
Kenton McHenry
  • bd-wget
  • refine demo scripts for BD review
  • use case tech report
  • Implemented bd command line interface
  • Revised BD review agenda
  • Revised BD demo scripts
  • Added threading to DTS tests
Christopher Navarro
  • ERGO/NIST - review NIST proposal tasks, discuss next steps with Jong, focus on JIRA tasks
  • CyberSEES - finish flow table editor, meeting to discuss GI Notebook architecture
  • MSR - NFIE meeting, help debug Rapid issue with Tingting
  • Created a document with Jong to help flesh out NIST Task 1.4
  • Worked on Ergo issue with some analyses not creating the result type correctly
  • Finished flow table editor, need to discuss next steps with Jong
  • Attended NFIE, DataWolf may be used to execute WRF-Hydro, will discuss with Fernando
  • Created/tested a workflow for Praveen's use case that executes stream-clip and dem-clip and combines into a single output
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. Finish retrieval of the temperature related data from the database, MWRD-142, MWRD-143, MWRD-144
  2. Add temperature to the dashboard, MWRD-145
  3. develop NEXRAD workflow in DataWolf, MWRD-111 and MWRD-112
  4. look at NetCDF Java for direct conversion of NEXRAD data format to 1) png and 2) Stickney value
  1. Done
  2. Done, the min, mean and max values are in the right pane. better place would be left pane under the storm graph.
  3. Started working on NEXRAD, The data sets are on rocks which I cannot access (talked to Bruce), backup on my external HD.
  4. We can use it, we have to implement NEXRAD workflow first.
Smruti Padhy
  • Finish Critical Zone Use Case DAP Service
  • CZ DTS Services
  • Revisit Chrome Extension UI
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Start work on a person tracking previewer for Groupscope
  • Test person-tracking and person-detection extractor in extractor-0014 machine
  • Go through Groupscope ORM paper reviewer's comments and make a draft of what needs to be done
  • Follow up with XSEDE admins and complete fixing video display issue in Gordon
  • Complete fixing extractor crashing issue in Gordon
  • Started working on a person tracking previewer for Groupscope
  • Tested person-detection extractor in extractor-0014 machine
  • Went through Groupscope ORM paper reviewer's comments and made a draft of important observations
  • Followed up with XSEDE admins once. Need to do it again.
Eugene Roeder  
Inna Zharnitsky
  • DownloadAs button for DTS
  • Finish content part of JSON-LD and copy to datasets and collections
  • working on DownloadAs button for DTS
  • Some more changes for MMDB-1550 pull request
Marcus Slavenas
  • Record new virtual tour for Great Lakes to Gulf site and put it into the landing page
  • Lots of small fixes to the route/green index and human preference extractors
  • Record new virtual tour for Great Lakes to Gulf site and put it into the landing page
  • BD Green infrastructure use case meeting
    • nailed down story - got all needed data
  •  Green Index and Human Preference extractors
    • Added block processing of images uploaded by extractors
    • improved green index cv by using LAB color space
    • added xml verification
    • tested/cleaned up multiple route extraction through xml
  • tested/tweaked parsers for seagrant noaa and servet
Jason Votava
  • Continue supporting BD 18 mo review
  • Interviews/HR
  • Resume 1-1 series
  • Update NIST communication plan
  • Curated JIRA tasks
  • Presenting Scrum methods to other PMs
  • Reviewed staffing needs
  • Updated projections for BD 18 mo review