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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Continue work on an extractor concept for Geodashboard-based instances of Clowder.
  • Hope to have made progress on a proof of concept for an extractor that keeps in mind the following components:
    • Rui's scalability design
    • The possibility that "spaces" might control which extractors run for a space or user
    • Web socket support - looking at Sandeep's implementation in Play and comparing to what I've done with Node.js
Dave Mattson
  • Cleanup, handoff
Edgar F. Black  
Mario Felarca  
Rob Kooper
  • SEAD
    • All hands meeting Mon, Tue
  • PEcAn
    • Release 1.4.2 VM
  • Vacation
    • Thursday, maybe Wednesday
Jong Lee  

Rui Liu
  • BD: AWS grant application usage estimate, elasticity SC15 poster draft before Memorial day and the following Earthcube All-Hands meeting trip;
  • Earthcube: continue working on semantic annotation and prep work for the demo.
Kenton McHenry
  • BigData proposal
  • Website updates
  • AWS proposal
  • Work on adding more detail to Polyglot logs
  • Papers/posters
Luigi Marini
  • SEAD all hands meeting Mon, Tues
  • Earthcube: improvements to metadata widgets and testing of geosemantics service
  • Clowder documentation
  • SEAD: roles feature
  • Medici merges
Christopher Navarro
  • Browndog
    • Finish DataWolf tool editor
  • CyberSEES
    • Architecture discussion, help Indira use rhessys-js to execute workflow
  • NIST
    • Review USGS hazard curve data (ERGO-74) and tornado hazard
    • Test Ergo and add JIRA tickets with time estimates
  • MSR
    • NFIE meeting
  • Vacation day Friday afternoon
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. Continue with the Management Tool, MWRD-114MWRD-116 and continue improving css workflow pane, green design
  2. Prepare MWRD presentations for Tuesday, slides and use cases (storms)
  3. Check and/or refactor Geoserver queries and OpenLayer calls.
Smruti Padhy
  • eScience Poster
  • IEEE BigData paper
  • Use Case (If we receive the program)
  • bd.R Library
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Work on displaying person tracking bounding boxes on video
  • Make sure extractors are working properly on VAT gateway machine
  • Start work on updating person tracks using visualization
  • Fix issue of person tracking previewer not getting displayed in Groupscope server machine
Eugene Roeder  
Inna Zharnitsky
  • continue working on dts chrome extension
  • Census Extractor - commit and create pull request
Marcus Slavenas
  • GLTG: front-end tasks/learning backbonejs
  • GLTG: Run 2015 GREON data to gltg-dev
  • BrownDog: handwriting extractor
Indira Gutierrez Polo
  • SEAD
    • All-hands Monday and Tuesday
  • CyberSees
    • Keep working on Rhessys workflow.
Jason Votava
  • NIST project plan for task 2.1
  • Brown dog meeting with Leads
  • MWRD demo
  • NIST conference call
  • Pick Dave's brain for any last info
Winston Jansz
  • SEAD All-Hands at IU (Mon & Tue).
  • Tasks involving Clowder (Medici 2) for new SEAD Sprint after IU mtg.