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make sure “C:\Python27\” is on path (start->right click on “computer”->properties->advanced->environment variables), edit PATH if necessary 

For now, use Python 2.7 instead of Python 3.x for compatibility reasons.

2. Install pip

download file “” from


pip install requests


4. Install pymedicipyclowder

clone from the repo:

 python install

If you need to make any changes to pyclowder during development, you will need to rerun install.

5. Install any additional software/packages required


6. Ensure Clowder and RabbitMQ are running

In clowder\conf\play.plugins, 9992:services.RabbitmqPlugin should be enabled (line 3 may be commented out by default).

RabbitMQ needs a topic exchange called clowder - this can be created via RabbitMQ browser UI (default is http://localhost:15672/)

The extractor should include the rabbitmqURL (default is "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f")


7. Test that the extractor works 

Run it from the cmd prompt and watch the outputs to be sure it is working properly. Also advised to upload some files to Medici Clowder and observe that the extractor is receiving, processing and uploading the results back correctly.


install.bat can be found here:

It assumes srvany.exe is on a subdirectory called service (create this subdirectory and copy srvany there)

Edit install.bat file changing NAME, DESC and EXE to reflect the name, description and executable file of your service
