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  • Draft RDA PR for ingest
  • 2.0 hackathon planned, progress on library updates
  • Discussion of metadata indexing in Elasticsearch by fullname (pros/cons)
  • Working on bugfix for searching in private instances e.g. SIMPL - I see 26 results but none are shown because permissions check not respecting SuperAdmin. Also affects API.
    • Showed issues via screenshare - hopes to resolve the search function and actually shows results
  • PyClowder fail fix PR -
  • viewlogs and metrics pull requests have been merged.
  • working on the updating of the bunch of extractors to pyclowder 2.3.4. 
  • use github action to compile and build docker images of extractors.
  • update geo extractor to use gsconfig python3.
  • has some issue on building metadata.geotiff extractor.
  • Python 2.7 is no longer supported. update extractor base docker image to python 3.7.
Mike L.
  • Working on Extractor Label Management view
    • New admin-only view has been added: /extractors/labels
    • New model / DB collection for ExtractorsLabel / extractors.labels (respectively)
    • New REST API endpoints for POST/PUT ExtractorsLabel, accessible by javascript in the UI
    • Create / edit / assigning to extractors via modal are working, save currently-forces a refresh (not sure if we can work around this)
  • Up next: list extractor labels on details page, filtering by labels, importing labels from extractor_info.json
  • multiple pyclowder releases
    • script to make PR works really nice
Mike B.

  • Sorting out why some things are not working in Kubernetes.  Sara Lambert may be able to help.
LisaWho will be presenting at the Webinar?  I'll need abstracts and titles.