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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday

BD-1750: refactor bdswarm-catalog,

BD-1586: store logs into ELK

BD-1669: add rich query api for swarm scaling service

BD-1752: automatically fill queue name and docker image name when doing Add/Stop

BD-1753: toolcatalog will request whether a tool already deployed in bd-swarm, and express that status on GUI

BD-913: Add support for multiple file selections, and fix the comments.

Done: BD-1685, BD-1700, BD-1599.

BD-1669 in Review.

 Just survive and figure out what is going on!
  • Got my accounts created
  • On-boarded for NDS
  • On-Boarded for Brown Dog
  • Enhanced NDS Labs startup script to handle more extensive command line options
  • Starting work on writing user stories for Brown Dog tool catalog as extractor admin tool
  • Cover Crop
    • Update soil_converter to use pgpass for database connection information and update corresponding workflow
    • Install Geoserver
  • Ergo/IN-Core
    • Work on DataWolf file storage implementation to talk to IN-Core repository
    • Work on DataWolf 4.1 issues
  • Cover Crop
    • Updated the soil_converter workflow tool to use pgpass to store database connection information, updated corresponding workflow and tested
    • Installed Geoserver with help from Rob and tested it
    • Started looking at DSSAT output data and understanding the format for generating visualizations
  • Ergo/IN-Core
    • Followed up with Ergo collaborator
    • Worked on file storage implementation for DataWolf/IN-Core
    • Worked on hazard service and fleshing out the APIs
  • General
    • Worked on DataWolf 4.1 issues (DAO paging, bug fix for deleting accounts)
Gregory Jansen

  • OCS
    • Fix Ack issues with AckSubscriber
    • Rewrite part of EventListener
  • OCS
    • AckSubscriber is properly fixed.
    • EventListener partially finished. Planned to be done on Friday.
  •  GLM
    • Prepare paper for final submission
  • In-Core
    • V2 User Interface
 work on Tool Catalog 
  • SSA newsletter
  • NDS slides for TOSE meeting
  • Brown Dog presention for NIST symposium
  • BD exec summary
  • HR
  • ISDA leadership retreat/career paths/organization
  • Completed draft of SSA newsletter
  • BARDA proposal
  • HR
  • GLM
    • Y3 budget and justification
    • Reviews
  • IMLCZO yearly report
  • PSP extractor
  • BD
    • sprint planning
    • bugs
    • Y3 budget and justification
    • Reviews
  • IMLCZO yearly report
  • PSP extractor
  • BD
    • sprint planning
    • bugs
  •  BD
    • jupyterhub automatic login
  • GLTG
    • aquarius install
  •  BD
    • jupyter automactic login working
      • stil need to handle timing if new user
    • start to prepare software meeting presentation
  • deploy test stack of stereoTop and flir → full field pipeline on kubernetes
  • merge terra PRs
  • assist zongyang & solmaz on extractor updates
  • successfully ran flir and stereoTop to fullfield pipeline
  • several terra PRs processed
  • solmaz code updates integrated into scanner3d
  • zongyang call to discuss plant_height and ndvi updates

 Tuesday: MWRD, working on the VM; MDF, adding datasets to the Materials Registry

Wednesday-Friday: vacation


Wednesday-Friday: vacation


  • NDS
    • Jira
  • KnowEnG
    • Jira
  • Crops in Silico
    • 1-on-1 meetings with Kavya, Stuti, Balaji, and Yu
    • Continue gathering UI requirements
  • NDS
    • NDS-1006: some hang-ups and a seemingly broken beta of nginx.. this will extend into next week
  • KnowEnG
    • Jira
    • Filed many tickets for remaining work on Spreadsheet Visualizer
  • Crops in Silico
    • 1-on-1 meetings with Kavya, Stuti, Balaji, and Yu
    • Tried to schedule a meeting with AJ / Kalina but got pushback.. will try again after Wednesday meeting
  • General
    • Pull Requests
    • Prepare Lightning Talk
  • GLM
    • Priority: Address Pull Request Comments for GEOD-963
    • GEOD-838
  • GLTG 
    • GEOD-848
    • IMLCZO-171 and IMLCZO-172
    • Re-run Parser for Flux Tower
    • Re-run Parser for Allerton non-Decagon
  • General
    • Contributed to Pull Requests
    • Lightning Talk
      • Presented
      • Added to Wiki
  • GLM
    • Addressed Pull Request Comments for GEOD-963
    • GEOD-838 is in review
  • GLTG
    • GEOD-848 is in review
    • Created a Wiki Page with Screenshots for the GLGVO-359 code changes
    • IMLCZO-112 is in review
    • IMLCZO-149 is in review
    • IMLCZO-171 is done
    • IMLCZO-172 is done
    • IMLCZO-185 is in review
    • IMLCZO-191 is in review
    • Re-ran Parser for Flux Tower
    • Re-ran Parser for Allerton non-Decagon
    • Scheduled Meeting for Upcomming Data Parsing
  • Fragility Server
  • IN-CORE Beta
  • Fragility Server
    • Refactored
    • Implemented Specified Controller
  • Autoscaling Dev Envs. on AWS
  • Testing out GCP and Kubernetes
  • KnowEnG Licenses
  • Autoscaling Dev Envs. on AWS (W.I.P)
  • Testing out GCP and Kubernetes
  • KnowEnG Licenses (W.I.P.)
  • BD
    • Sprint tasks
    • Analysis page development
    • Get ready for demo
  • IARP
    • Promoted metadata fields development
  • Monday holiday
  • Tuesday Committee Retreat
  • New hire onboarding tasks
  • GLM and GLTG meeting planning in my absence
  • Brown Dog sprint overview - task planning
  • In-Core beta testing planning
  • Interview
  • Resume Reviews
  • Off Site forms followup
  • OOO Thursday

The interview was cancelled - otherwise all tasks on the list were completed.

  • Create shapefile dataset ingestion to data repository rest service
  • Create other formatted dataset ingest to data repository rest service
  • Test data repository and mongodb using Docker
  • Created dataset checking method for preparing the ingestion
  • Created ingestion method for shapefile and table.
  • Tested the ingestion with mongodb
