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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • Mon, Tues at IMLCZO Conference
  • GLM
    • Work on GLENDA data with Paris
  • GLTG
    • Work on Trend data
  • IMLCZO Conference - was able to get several more people logged into Clowder and uploading data
  • GLM
    • Identified the data we will be uploading from GLENDA (CDX). Downloaded the file and have begun documenting
  • GLTG
    • Met with John Sloan and got him setup to upload files to a Space for Sangamon River Basin
  • BD
    • Continue working on DW 3.1 issue, including DTS endpoint
  • NIST
    • Continue working on backlog issues
    • Code review
  • BD
    • Worked on DTS endpoint - added a route to fence for re-submitting files to extractors
    • created BrownDogResource in DataWolf to handle browndog specific endpoints
  • NIST
    • Started reviewing water network PR
    • Cleaned up pull requests for IN-CORE v1 and will resubmit after the repository is moved
    • Created repo for INCORE V1
    • Started updated bamboo build plan for IN-CORE v1
  • Ergo
    • Received request for adding ground motion models, sent information on what is needed
  • Other
    • Looked into issue with rapid VM, Rob restarted the VM and I updated the software packages

  • SEAD
    • Update Pull requests
  • GLM
    • New Search Page
  • CyberSEES
    • Run GI Converter
  • SEAD
    • Update Pull requests
    • Some discussion about future tasks
  • GLM
    • New Search Page
  • CyberSEES
    • Run GI Converter
    • Worked on the datawolf workflow for running the gi converter

  • Keep testing performance of code in new environment
  • Create Makefile for pipelines to have targets that can be easily executed by users
  • Check file compression format for input data
  • Code execution time on 800 bootstraps decreases from 6 hours to 12 minutes by running on a 32 core CPU env
  • Makefile done
  • Selected Gzip compression format

  • CC* Proposals
  • BD annual report
  • BD Spint follow up
  • BW workshop followup
  • MBDH/SBDH call
  • CC* Proposals
  • BD annual report
  • BD Spint follow up
  • BW workshop followup
  • MBDH/SBDH call
    • Annual meeting Mon - Tues
    • NCSA 1030
  • BD
    • Develop test suite against bd-api
  • SEAD
    • Pull requests
    • Planning of 2.1
  • Proposal
  • GLM
    • Planning of next release
    • Search page assessment and planning
  • Clowder
    • All paws
    • Documentation
    • 1.0 planning
  • IMLCZO - presentation went well
  • BD - started on test suite (still needs more work)
  • SEAD - planning
  • almost finalized, few pull requests merged, one random bug fixed
  • Proposal - slow and painful
  • GLM - planned work with team
  • Clowder - all paws today
  • Random meetings with people
  • BD
    • Dongying's and Tum's paper portions
    • Continue Jupyter dev
  • GLM
    • ingest noaa data and add parameters to frontend config
  • GLTG
    • remove empty tennessee data sensors
  • Sickly the first 3 days of the week - low productivity
  • BD
    • wrote BD portions of Dongying's paper, got a lot of feedback, and sent to Dongying
    • Some small tweeks to the green index extractor, ran small dataset for Dongying
    • wrote small overview of iarp for browndog report
    • tried working on jupyter/python - but having (security?) issues
  • GLM
    • Got Noaa parser running on seagrant-dev
      • needs (at least) some small changes and to be run again
  • Get two extractors deployed to TERRA production
  • Evaluate geospatial extractor
  • Deploy Danforth pipeline
  • Monitor new pipeline health
  • Clowder search
  • VMs created for demosaic + plantCV extractors
  • Cleaned up geospatial extractor
  • Elasticsearch rewrite 90% ready
  • pyclowder feature to stream local file to extractors if available
  • SEAD - bug fixes and features, Image AddedCATS-506 - Check if logged in In Review,
  • MDF - 2016-08-15+Kickoff
  • MWRD -e-mail Joe about missing data, dashboard improvements, MWRD-160, MWRD-162
  • Water Network Recovery Analysis
  • Email Rice for Roadway
  • Email Roberto for Water Network
  • Out 19th - 24th
  • Met with Roberto regarding Water Network Recovery Analysis
  • Water Network EPANET Parser/Writer
  • LSST
    • write up text
    • all hands W, Th, F in Tuscon, AZ
  • SEAD
    • Look at future tasks
  • PEcAn
    • Write release notes 1.4.8
  • LSST
    • all hands meeting
  • PEcAn
    • release notes
    • updated dev server to production code
  • SEAD
    • updated Gregory Jansen pull request for elasticsearch 2.0



  • BD
    • Student use cases
    • Other Sprint tasks
    • Jira
  • BD
    • Worked on a GDAL converter for Chi Analysis use case
    • Went through the Chi Analysis code documentation
    • Started working on debugging template matching
  • MWRD propsal review
  • Brown Dog Report - re-order, table of contents, figures
  • Brown Dog Sprint/Milestone planning
  • In-Core migration
  • GLTG Milestone Planning
  • News Wall 
  • HR Items
  • MWRD propsal complete
  • Brown Dog Report -  table of contents updated, figures and ordering in progress
  • Brown Dog Sprint/Milestone planning
  • In-Core migration
  • GLTG Milestone Planning
  • News Wall - working on media server maybe ...
  • HR Items
  • BD
    • Finished adding keys/tokens support to C# -DAP methods
    • Started Refactoring the File Manager Extension
    • Started adding DTS methods
    • Had meeting/discussion with Sandeep and Jong on Praveen's use cases
    • Discuss/reviewed Marcus's writeup for the student's Journal paper
  • SDN
    • Started reviewing Intern report and discussion on next steps
  • HR
  • SEAD
    • CATS-578
  • MSC
    • submit the camera version & copyright
  • BD
    • pecan code run successful. waiting for the DB to start coding
    • fake excel sheet for HMM extractor
  • Work on small area estimation plugin
  • Worked on small area estimation plugin
    • created interactive analysis form
    • tested codes for polygon interaction