
  • Project updates

WhoPlan for the week (Monday)Accomplished (Friday)

Jing Ge (KnowEng)

  • Keep testing performance of code in new environment
  • Create Makefile for pipelines to have targets that can be easily executed by users
  • Check file compression format for input data
  • Code execution time for 800 bootstraps decreases from 6 hours to 12 minutes by running on a 32 core CPU env
  • Makefile done
  • Selected Gzip compression format
  • Rob
    • LSST travel
    • elastic search upgrade to 2.x
    • experiment with roger Kilo
  • Max
    • monitoring changes made to directory structure
    • search capabilities
  • Yan++
    • Insert datapoints into clowder database
    • Deploy extractors on roger
    • Create generic HDF extractor


  • NDS-399 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-444 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-446 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-367 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-213 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-185 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-285 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-438 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • NDS-325 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Need to reach out to Doug
  • NDS-388 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-310 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • TBD
  • NDS-462: API server should return error message when responding to /register with a 409 - In Review
  • NDS-446: Finalize noVNC support for X11 interface  - Resolved
  • NDS-444: UI build date no longer updates automatically - Resolved
  • NDS-409: Discuss beta account creation and communication plans - Resolved
  • NDS-388: Container "user" discrepancies cause file permission errors - In Progress
  • NDS-367: Revisit Eclipse Che - In Progress
  • NDS-325: Review LaTiS Pull Request - In Progress
  • NDS-212: Email verification and account approval email after registration - In Review
  • CC* proposals
  • CC* Proposals
  • MBDH/SBDH call
  • continue with log files, follow up with Ben
  • continue with an e-mail and print template with MDF description, data ingestion, screenshots
  • contact faculty on the NDS/MDF list
  • done
  • done screenshots, description
  • yes
  • PSi - get feedback from modelers - refine communication library,
  • NDS  
    • Post PRs : NDS-343,NDS-395, NDS-262
    • NDS-413, NDS-346
  • NDS-445: OpenStack troubles stopping progress - Resolved
  • NDS-395: Starting Mongo with GFS quota enabled crashes GFS - In Progress and growing to include DNS/kube-system/filesystem/services initialization dependencies
  • NDS-343 done, require 395
  • NDS-413 containers built waiting for initial tests
  • Psi:   remote API, marshalling investigation
  • NDSC6 planning and announcement

  • Waiting for information from PSC

Craig Willis (TERRA)

  • Sprint 10
  • TERRA – finalize vocabulary recommendations/meet with Luigi
  • NDS-465: Add gravatar support to the navbar in the NDS Labs UI - In Review
  • NDS-463: Registration e-mail verification / account approval workflow - UI - In Progress
  • NDS-459: Vocabulary/semantic services - In Progress
  • NDS-438: User can recover a forgotten password - In Review
  • NDS-429: User can build/tag/push docker images from dev containers (CLI/API) - In Progress
  • NDS-399: Migrate upstream NDS Labs Docker images to auto-build - In Progress
  • NDS-285: Revisit Create Account validation / error handling - In Review
  • NDS-255: Passwords should not be returned in plaintext - Closed
  • NDS-213: Add email field to sign-up wizard - UI - In Review
  • NDS-211: Define requirements for repository recommender - Resolved
  • NDS-185: User should be able to change their Project login password - In Review
  • No labels