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The color images of DECam exposures were created using STIFF (version 2.1.3) from co-added fits files using SWArp using a pixel-scale of 0.5 arcsec/pixel. I used images that were processes through the initial steps of the DESDM pipeline (crosstalk, bias, flats, astro- alignment) and were futher further cleaned of spurius spurious objects using mkbleed to mask and interpolate over saturated stars and bleed trails (with interpolation on) and immask (version0.2.1) to mask and detect satellite trails and cosmic rays. The color images, are very large TIFF files (~200Mb) with JPEG compresion compression of 15~15,000 x 15,000 pixels size. Full resolution color images (at 0.


263 arcsec/pixel and ~30,000 x 30,000) are available on request (send me email felipe at


These are the focal plane projection of 6 fields observed by DECam in the fall of 2012. 

Image Modified

Fornax 1 (184Mb)

Fornax 1Image Modified

Fornax 2 (167Mb)

47 Tuc

47 Tuc (188Mb)

SMC (228Mb)

El Gordo (225Mb)

RXC 2248 (246Mb)
