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Image result for Let's Go this week


WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • BrownDog
    • Deploy datawolf-dev to bd-datawolf since develop contains fixes needed for the new provenance viewer
    • Review datawolf PR for provenance viewer
  • Cover Crop
    • Review action items from last meeting and follow up
    • Setup DNS for project machine
    • Look into running DSSAT model using datawolf
  • Ergo
    • Review ergo user emails and respond
  • IN-Core
    • Continue v2 hazard API development, look into creating a file storage implementation in DataWolf for IN-Core data repository
  • General
    • Catch up on email
  •  BrownDog
    • Updated bd-datawolf to use datawolf-dev until next datawolf release
    • reviewed datawolf provenance viewer issue - bdfiddle needed an update to the deployment script which Rob took of
  • Cover Crop
    • Reviewed action items from previous meeting, submitted for NCSA guest logins and requested DNS for nebula VM
    • Learned more about DSSAT model, sent questions to researchers and wrote a small python script to run the model from a local datawolf
    • Mockup meeting
  • Ergo
    • Reviewed emails and sent response with a workaround for a bug - opened JIRA issue for bug report
  • IN-Core
    • Reviewed JIRA issues for beta release
    • Fixed a bug with local dataset ids containing query strings, added null check for defined hazard events that could prevent the UI page from building
Gregory Jansen

  •  GLM
    • Work on eScience Paper
  • InCore
    • Railways plugin
  • GLM
    • Work on eScience Paper
    • Fixed conflicts on Clustering pull request
  • InCore
    • Railways Plugin
  •  Brown Dog beta release
  • Brown Dog beta release
  • NIH Data Commons
  • HR
  •  SEAD
    • aggregate documentation
  • BD
    • finish updating swagger docs
    • v0.2.0 release
  • GLM
    • face to face meeting
    • geostreams api
    • nebula deployment
  • SM Macroscope
    • Review proposal
  • Clowder 1.3 release
  • finish SEAD documentation for staging area & pyclowder2
  • meeting w SPIN intern re: development of new API modules
  • update plant_height extractor with latest code
  • schedule discussion w Globus
  • update rulechecker & full_field extractors

submit documentation PR

  • new API meetings & PR
  • plant_height redeployed
  • rulechecker updated and deployed as docker
  • monthly planning session
    • MDF - Trello_MDF
      1. Wednesday - Argonne visit
      2. Ta and DFT converters
    • MWRD
      1. slides for Tuesday meeting
      2. Garcia storms, build pane
  • NDS
    • NDS-900 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-938 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-842 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-262 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-897 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-873 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • KnowEnG
    • KNOW-327 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • KNOW-314 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Other tickets, as Matt chooses to delegate them (TBD)
  • NDS
    • Met with Crops in Silico to talk about upcoming UI work
    • NDS-938 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-842 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • KnowEnG
    • KNOW-314 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Abandoned:
    • NDS-897 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Code would compile, but ES would not load plugin
    • KNOW-327 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Peter already fixed this while I was away
  • Still in progress:
    • NDS-262 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Now that NDS-842 can run on Workbench, it would likely be a perfect case for stress-testing
  • GLM
    • Complete Pull Request changes for GEOD-853
    • Complete Pull Request changes for GLM-86
    • Update Search Page Link (GEOD-904)
  • GLTG
    • Components for GLGVO-322
    • Fix Flow (GEOD-892)
    • Continue moving items for IMLCZO-160
    • Get necessary info for IMLCZO-124
    • Create new Clowder task
    • If time: Start learning about LoggerNet
  • Geodashboard General
    • GEOD-923 is in review
    • GEOD-823 is in review
  • GLM
    • GEOD-853 is merged
    • Completed Pull Request changes for GLM-86
  • GLTG
    • GEOD-892 is in review
    • GLGVO-341 is in review
    • Continued work for IMLCZO-160
    • Worked on IMLCZO-124
    • Created new Clowder task (CATS-770)
    • General Clowder data management tasks
  •  ISDA/NCSA/Everything
    • Catch up on email
    • Catch up on other things
  • PEcAn
    • release new version
  •  BD
    • Pre-beta release tasks
    • Testing
    • Work on slides for PEARC presentation
    • Work on final report
    • Bertillon cards processing
  • IARP
    • Photographs processing
    • Work on promoting metadata fields
    • Mockup UI
  •  Work on webdav client service for incore data repository rest service
  • Data repository Rest Service
    • conversion of directory list to metadata json page
    • created rest service for serving metadata json based on data type
    • rest service with directory browsing with all the link depths
    • created link to the actual dataset in the metadata json
  • Project Review


  • No labels