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This guide assumes you have a Linux machine. We use Ubuntu as our Linux installation so some files, or commands to install software, might be at a different location if you use another flavor of Linux. We will try and mark them as Ubuntu specific. If you use another flavor of Linux, please send us any updates so we can add them to this guide.


The system will store all files in the filesystem and all meta-data in a MySQL database. The extraction service is dependent on FFMPEG.

Installing Apache and Tomcat

The web application is written as a servlet using GWT. The following command will install Apache HTTPD as well as Tomcat.

apt-get -qq -y install apache2 tomcat6

Updating Tomcat Script

We need to make two modifications to the tomcat script under Linux. The first one will allow Medici to read from the local file system, the second change will allow the extraction service to run as tomcat (otherwise tomcat gets confused and thinks it is already running). We also bump the memory of tomcat. While this is not required, it might improve performance.

sed -i -e 's#TOMCAT6_SECURITY=yes#TOMCAT6_SECURITY=no#g' \
       -e "s#-x /bin/bash --#--pidfile /tmp/ -x /bin/bash --#g" \
       -e 's#-Xmx128M#-Xmx256M#' /etc/init.d/tomcat6

Installing additional JAR files

Two jar files will need to be installed in the Tomcat lib folder (in case of Ubuntu this is /usr/share/tomcat6/lib).

Download the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver v5.1 and add the MySQL JDBC driver jar (mysql-connector-java-5.x.x-bin.jar) to the tomcat/lib folder. Internally, we use version 5.0.4.

The second jar file is the Xerces implementation, after downloading add the xercesImpl.jar to the tomcat/lib folder. Internally, we use version 2.6.2.

Once the jar files are installed you will need to restart tomcat

/etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart

Installing MySQL

MySQL is used to store the metadata, the database will be created in the next section.

apt-get -qq -y install mysql-server-5.1

Installing FFmpeg

FFmpeg is used to convert video to FLV video to be played in the browser as well to extract a single frame from the video.

wget`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
apt-get -qq update
apt-get -qq -y --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring
apt-get -qq update
apt-get -qq -y install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-52

Installing UnZip

UnZip is needed to unzip the war file, modifying the file telling Medici where to find the database as well as the datafolder. The following command will install Unzip.

apt-get -qq -y install unzip

Additional Fonts

To enable the conversion from PDF to preview images some fonts need to be installed.

apt-get -qq -y install ttf-dejavu-core ttf-baekmuk ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho ttf-wqy-zenhei ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-telugu-fonts ttf-oriya-fonts ttf-kannada-fonts ttf-bengali-fonts

Install NTP (Optional)

The time on the server is used for many interactions with the system and thus it is important for this to be correct. This can be achieved using NTP.

apt-get -qq -y install ntp

Installation of Medici

Once the pre-requisites are installed, we can install Medici. The system consists of two major components, the web component as well as the extraction service. The extraction service can be shared by multiple installations. Both the web component as well as the extraction service will need to write to the same folder on disk. To enable this, we will run the extraction service as the same user as tomcat (in case of Ubuntu this will be tomcat6).

Extraction Service

The first step is to create a folder where the extraction service will be installed.

mkdir -p /home/medici
cd /home/medici

Next, download the latest version of the extraction service. The following will download the 64 bit version of the 1.0 version of the extraction service. Install the code and change the permission to tomcat.

wget -q -O ""
mv Extractor.gtk.linux.x86_64 extractor
chmod -R g+w extractor
chown -R tomcat6.users extractor

Based on the machine and expected data it might be worth it to increase the memory from the default 1GB to more (we use 9GB).

sed -i -e 's#-Xmx1G#-Xmx9G#g' extractor/ExtractionServer.ini

Next, install extractor as a Unix service and start it.

cp extractor/service/extractor.ubuntu /etc/init.d/extractor
sed -i -e "s#DIR=/home/kooper/Extractor#DIR=/home/medici/extractor#" -e "s#USER=kooper#USER=tomcat6#" /etc/init.d/extractor
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/extractor
update-rc.d extractor defaults
/etc/init.d/extractor start
Redhat (not tested)
cp extractor/service/extractor.redhat /etc/init.d/extractor
sed -i -e "s#DIR=/home/kooper/Extractor#DIR=/home/medici/extractor#" -e "s#USER=kooper#USER=tomcat#" /etc/init.d/extractor
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/extractor
/sbin/chkconfig extractor on
/etc/init.d/extractor start

If you have a firewall and want access from outside the server to the extraction service you will need to allow for traffic on port 9856. To see the status of the extraction service as well as the log files you can connect with a web browser to: http://<hostname>:9856/extractor/status

Web Component

Next, the web component will be installed. Each installation of Medici needs its own installation. In this document we will describe the installation of one installation called medici and second one called onlyme.

Folder creation

The first step is to create a data folder as well as a folder to hold the query optimizations (we use lucene for this). This folder will contain all data associated with a single installation of Medici (in this case called medici).

mkdir -p /home/medici/medici/data
mkdir -p /home/medici/medici/lucene
chown -R tomcat6 /home/medici/medici

The name of the folder is not important. For simplicity we recommend to name it after the name of the installation. To create multiple installations on the same machine we need to create additional folders to hold the data.

mkdir -p /home/medici/onlyme/data
mkdir -p /home/medici/onlyme/lucene
chown -R tomcat6 /home/medici/onlyme

Creating the Mysql Database

Following code will create the database and give privileges to the user medici to the database.

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O mysql.sql
sed -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_SCHEMA" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_USER" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_PASS" />#medici#" mysql.sql > medici.sql
mysql -u root -h localhost -p < medici.sql

To create a second database for the second installation we use the same code except change the database name to the second installation, for example:

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O mysql.sql
sed -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_SCHEMA" />#onlyme#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_USER" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_PASS" />#medici#" mysql.sql > onlyme.sql
mysql -u root -h localhost -p < onlyme.sql

Creating Context Definition

Next, we need to create a definition file that binds database and folder together. This needs to use the same values as the MySQL script.

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O context.xml
sed -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_SCHEMA" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_USER" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_PASS" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="FOLDER" />#/home/medici/medici#" context.xml > medici.xml

To create the defintion file for the second installation we use the values passed into the second MySQL script.

wget --no-check-certificate -q -O context.xml
sed -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_SCHEMA" />#onlyme#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_USER" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_PASS" />#medici#" \
    -e "s#<at:var at:name="FOLDER" />#/home/medici/onlyme#" context.xml > onlyme.xml

Installation of the web component

The final step is to install the Medici web component. This involves downloading the latest version, configuration and installation. Since the application uses Google Maps a new Google Map key needs to be requested.

wget -q -O medici.war ""
unzip -q -d war medici.war
cp medici.xml war/WEB-INF/classes/context.xml
YOUREMAIL="your email address here"
GOOGLEKEY="your google key here"
sed -i -e "$YOUREMAIL#g" \
       -e "s/$YOUREMAIL/g" \
       -e "s@search.index=.*@search.index=/home/medici/medici/lucene@g" war/WEB-INF/classes/
sed -i -e "s#key=ABQIAAAASEElYb9IDDsAc5ZKA3a2sRQmgYtTImkVBc-VhblDgOLOdwhVaBSGMDSn-_9k3bx4tYolchXvrvB8Ag#key=$GOOGLEKEY#g" war/mmdb.html
chown -R tomcat6 war
mv war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/medici

The second installation follows almost the same process but with a few changes.

unzip -q -d war medici.war
cp onlyme.xml war/WEB-INF/classes/context.xml
YOUREMAIL="your email address here"
GOOGLEKEY="your google key here"
sed -i -e "$YOUREMAIL#g" \
       -e "s/$YOUREMAIL/g" \
       -e "s@search.index=.*@search.index=/home/medici/medici/lucene@g" war/WEB-INF/classes/
sed -i -e "s#key=ABQIAAAASEElYb9IDDsAc5ZKA3a2sRQmgYtTImkVBc-VhblDgOLOdwhVaBSGMDSn-_9k3bx4tYolchXvrvB8Ag#key=$GOOGLEKEY#g" war/mmdb.html
chown -R tomcat6 war
mv war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/onlyme

Add proxy to Apache Httpd (Optional)

Instead of having people remember the tomcat URL, we added a proxy to the Apache Httpd allowing it to proxy the requests to Tomcat. This can be achieved by adding the redirects. If the system runs using virtual hosts it needs to be added the virtual host section otherwise a new file can be created in the conf.d folder (/etc/apache2/conf.d in case of Ubuntu).

<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyRequests           Off
ProxyPreserveHost       On
ProxyPass               /medici   http://localhost:8080/medici
ProxyPassReverse        /medici   http://localhost:8080/medici

If we want to add the second installation to the proxy as well we need to add 2 more lines to the file.

ProxyPass               /onlyme   http://localhost:8080/onlyme
ProxyPassReverse        /onlyme   http://localhost:8080/onlyme

Finally the proxy http module needs to be enabled and Apache Httpd needs to be restarted.

a2enmod proxy_http
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
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