
  • Weekly updates
WhoPlan for the week (Monday)Accomplished (Friday)
Dora Cai
  • Manually add some Terra metadata into the MongoDB table to prepare the demo for the Terra project group
  • Add validation routine to the metadata query interface to ensure query's syntax correctness
  • Add a "delete" button to allow modifying a query filter after it has been added.
  • Uploaded some Terra images manually from the Terra testing instance.
  • Manually inserted some metadata based on the current Clowder data model.
  • Did a demo at the Terra project meeting using the Terra data on my local instance.
  • Got lots of feedback from the Terra project team on the metadata query interface, such as, API extension, GEO query extension.
Rob Kooper
  • Max
    • Finish launcher pull requests to NDS, Clowder
  • Yan
    • Finish testing
    • Dockerize plantcv
  • Scott
    • Create pull requests for post
  • Max
    • Created pull request for NDS
  • Yan
    • Finish testing plantcv
  • Scott
    • Create pull requests for post
  • Rob
    • Dockerize clowder
Kenton McHenry
  • RDA Meeting
  • Projects matrix
  • Project plan
  • RDA Meeting
    • Presentation to NDS WG
  • NDS Components matrix
  • Draft WBS
  • Monthly report
  • NDSC5 planning/invitations
Michal Ondrejcek
  • finish TEM json and XML, XML for Density functional theory (DFT) (might be too hard?)
  • follow up with Prof. Geubelle, Aerospace Engineering
  • mdf-demo/publish Nebula?
  • done json per template for Density functional theory (DFT)
  • no progress
  • Skype with Ben, discuss mdf-demo/publish - shutdown
  • attend DIBBs practice meeting
David Raila
  • Cluster Admin Monitor/dashboard tooling
    • NDS-128 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • "Mushroom" release - toolkit and resources NDS-129 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Deliver API "kit" to Psi team and provide container resources NDS-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Other in-progress: 
    • NDS-113 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-99 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • RMQ and API's to PSi devs NDS-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • devenv in progress
    • Eval Flannel/Weave OpenVSwitch under k8s for accurate networking
  • Start investigate repo-split
    • needed for devenv
    • local dev-only workflow
  • NDS-specific kubernetes building
  • Move to CoreOS 976 w/ docker-1.10

Sara Lambert
  • NDS-118 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-117 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • NDS-134 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-135 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • NDS-137 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Kandace Turner 


Craig Willis
  • NDS 114: Setup initial VM, send confirmation email
  • NDS 132/110: Call with Jon Crabtree (Odum)
  • Continued work on NDS-127 (API/CLI)
  • No labels