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  1. BrownDog
  2. BD-1740

Improvements to BDFiddle


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Clients
    • None

      These are some suggested improvements to BDFiddle:

      • The terms "Automatic" and "Manual" displayed in BDFiddle are confusing and doesn't convey the meaning properly. I think "Basic" and "Advanced" are more common in terms of usage.
      • The text about file size limit "(<5M)" doesn't look like descriptive enough. Maybe "(maximum size of 5 MB)" is better? Also update to 50 MB.
      • Does it make sense to disable buttons (or may be sections itself) that shouldn't be clicked at a particular stage of operation? For example, while a user in Step 1, buttons in Step 2 and 3 does not need to be active.
      • BD Tools CAtalog URL needs to be changed to https://browndog.ncsa.illinois.edu/toolscatalog/. Currently, it's browndog.ncsa.illinois.edu/tools
      • Users are able to click and choose the "steps" at the top of the page. If it doesn't serve any functionality, they should be left unclickable.

              kmchenry Kenton McHenry
              sandeeps Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
